What happens to fish that swim in waters tainted by traces of drugs that people take? When it’s an anti-anxiety drug, they become hyper, anti-social and […]
The management of rainwater is an increasingly important priority for counties and municipalities across the United States. Impermeable surfaces such as roofs and driveways, and the […]
A NEW scheme to save water could help prevent harbour pollution as well as provide an ongoing water supply for Sydney, experts say. The plans, being […]
Every time it rains, stormwater runoff from developed areas creates problems. Our modern cities are engineered to funnel rainwater from the land as fast as possible […]
RAIN GARDENS: They will ease strain on the municipal sewer system and keep pollutants out of lakes, streams Rain gardens can be an attractive and effective […]
Fresh water is important to everyone. But sometimes, our water is polluted through excess nutrients — nitrogen and phosphorus from fertilizers running off farm fields and […]
Significance of water in Hinduism and Islam Hinduism Water in Hinduism has a special place because it is believed to have spiritually cleansing powers. To Hindus […]
Slowing Water Stops Soil Erosion At its simplest level soil erosion is caused by water washing away soil. Stopping soil erosion is not rocket science either. […]
A foamy, clean-smelling mixture travels down your driveway into the street storm drain – you think that it’s clean and perfectly safe for the environment. After […]
What is a rain garden? A rain garden is an attractive landscaping feature planted with perennial native plants. It is a bowl-shaped or saucer-shaped garden with […]
Those responsible for contaminating South African land will pay, Environmental Affairs Minister Buyelwa Sonjica said on Wednesday. “We have taken the view that the cost of […]
Ever thought of where stormwater ends up? Poorly-managed stormwater can damage your property and the wider environment – but, managed properly, it can be good for […]