October 22, 2012

Domestic water recycling in Israel should be encouraged

While boasting high wastewater treatment, a thriving desalination industry, Israel lacks in decentralized systems. While Israel’s authorities allow almost no decentralized water systems, experts stressed that […]
October 12, 2012

Green cottage on floating island made with 5000 used plastic bottles

We have always maintained that plastic is one of the biggest hazards to the planet not just because of its toxic nature, but more importantly its […]
October 10, 2012

Durban & Cape Town residents may be drinking recycled water soon

KwaZulu-Natal – Durban and Cape Town residents will have to start looking seriously at drinking recycled water from the local sewage works within the next few […]
October 6, 2012

Some plants thrive on grey water, study finds

Many plants used for landscaping benefit from being watered with household gray water, according to a study released by the nonprofit organization Water Environmental Research Foundation.
September 27, 2012

Water solutions sought by mining industries

The global mining water and wastewater sector was expected to grow as the focus on sustainable water solutions within the mining industry increased, a recent report […]
September 26, 2012

Australia: Recycled stormwater to secure water supply

A NEW scheme to save water could help prevent harbour pollution as well as provide an ongoing water supply for Sydney, experts say. The plans, being […]
September 23, 2012

Waste water recycling- Cheap solution to India’s water crisis

Where will India get its water from in the coming years? The water challenge is already grave and could get graver. By 2050, for instance, it […]
August 22, 2012

Water efficiency needed now, not just energy efficiency

Businesses often overlook the need to keep an eye on their water consumption and inefficient use of water can end up costing them in more ways […]
August 18, 2012

Bill Gates selects solar powered toilet for the future

Seattle – Bill Gates is betting the toilet of the future for the developing world will be solar powered. The world’s leading private philanthropist handed a […]
August 17, 2012

Loughborough University wins ‘Reinvent the Toilet’ award from Gates Foundation

VIDEO: Loughborough University has won a prestigious prize in an international competition organised by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to create a reinvented toilet that […]
July 28, 2012

VIDEO: Grey Water Recycling Do’s and Don’ts

In these dry times we need to make efficient use of every drop of water. Melissa King has the do’s and don’ts about using recycled  grey […]
July 19, 2012

eWasha Chooses JoJo Tanks

eWasha Chooses JoJo Tanks water tanks for its water recycling plants eWasha offers a patented environmentally responsible solution to recover and cleanse car, bus and truck […]
May 4, 2012

Breaking psychological barriers to drinking recycled water

Reusing waste water for drinking is “a scientific no-brainer”, MDBA chairman Craig Knowles says. An Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE)’s report on sustainable […]
April 29, 2012

5 Ways to Reuse Old Plastic Water Bottles

Every year, tons of plastic bottles are being produced around the world and a majority of them ends up in the landfills. There are many cool […]
April 10, 2012

Harvest Energy and Drinking Water from Your Toilet?

London: British scientists claim they are developing a unique device which can turn used toilet waste into drinking water.
August 15, 2011

What Does Eco Friendly Mean?

We encounter eco-friendly terminology everywhere nowadays: at the stores you visit, on the products you purchase, in the news you read, in eco friendly blogs and […]
August 12, 2011

Why Buy and Use Bamboo Products?

Bamboo is one of the most eco-friendly building materials there is—it’s sturdy and solid, yet it grows extremely fast and is therefore rapidly renewable.(Hint hint: that […]
July 12, 2011

Guidelines for building green homes

You might think that there is a lot more hassle and expense involved in building a home that conforms to your eco-friendly standards, but in truth, […]