How much rainwater can you harvest from your rooftop? You need to know your rooftop surface area and local annual rainfall to calculate how much rainwater […]
Although the article below relates to the UK, the reasons for harvesting rainwater and installing rain water tanks are universal. We should all be harvesting rainwater […]
General rainwater harvesting classes at South African universities and colleges are unheard of but perhaps this should become a standard, even starting at primary school level? […]
Universities and other institutions with many large buildings and big roof surface areas are also ideal for rainwater harvesting. Schools, government buildings, factories- all should take […]
Rainwater harvesting in its simplest form comprises of a downspout from a roof gutter that directs rainwater into a rain barrel or water tank. Rainwater from […]
JoJo Tanks South Africa manufacture a huge range of water tanks, chemical tanks, tank stands and other products and have developed the 750 litre Slimline water […]
While chemicals may be used to disinfect water from your rain water tank or other sources, we always recommend that, if possible, the chemicals be removed […]
To save even more water & money, water conservation systems such as grey water recycling & rainwater harvesting systems can be installed. Rain water tanks can […]
Rainwater harvesting is becoming an important consideration in many parts of the world, including South Africa. Whether rain is used for rain gardens or whether it […]
Underground water tanks are an alternative to the usual above ground water tank types. There are a number of uses for underground water tanks and they […]
As you can imagine, the process of rain water harvesting has been used for centuries, as far back as the third century BC. Farming communities would […]
Rainwater systems come in all shapes and sizes, from simple catchment system under a downspout to large above and/or underground cisterns or water tanks with complex […]
Raingardens are one of the best landscaping design ideas to come out of Melbourne’s recent drought and water shortage conditions. With more ideas like these, the […]
Spending more time tending to your pool than swimming in it? Tired of toxic chemicals and endless maintenance? Now you’ve got options. Rainwater Harvesting Systems, Inc. […]
There are three general approaches to utilizing residential rainwater that decrease the use of other water sources, increase groundwater supplies, and greatly decrease stormwater runoff.
Arusha — ARUSHA residents have now been compelled to rely on the ongoing rains as their main source for domestic water since the city taps continue […]