September 24, 2020

What size water tank do I need for my household?

Rainharvest are suppliers of bulk order Jojo tanks and tank stands across South Africa.
February 2, 2020

How to waste less wastewater

Rainharvest are suppliers of bulk order Jojo tanks and tank stands across South Africa.
April 21, 2019

Jojo Tanks Suppliers

Rainharvest are suppliers of bulk order Jojo tanks and tank stands across South Africa.
June 27, 2018

Fear of a dry future for Cape Town

A scarce supply of water may become Cape Town’s defining feature, and the city has already been touted as one of the first major cities in […]
January 26, 2016

Using Water Hyacinth (seaweed) to create everyday household products

Achenyo Idachaba, C.E.O, Mitimeth, is working with rural communities in using water hyacinth (seaweed) to create everyday household products. Achenyo very recently (Jan, 2016) spoke at a […]
July 22, 2014

Uses of rainwater from your rainwater tank

Rainwater tanks have historically been used as an essential means of supplying drinking water in many rural and remote parts of the world. The location, style, […]
July 15, 2014

The Vetiver System for Soil and Water Conservation

The Vetiver System is used in more than 100 countries for soil and water conservation, infrastructure stabilization, pollution control, waste water treatment, mitigation and rehabilitation, sediment […]
June 28, 2014

Conserving Water with Drip Irrigation

Today it is more important than ever to use water resources wisely and to irrigate intelligently. Drip irrigation has enabled farmers, nurserymen, and landscapers to conserve […]
May 14, 2014

Video: 10 Simple Tips for Conserving Water

Watch this video to see how easy it is to conserve water in your everyday life. Taking water conservation a step further would be to install […]
November 16, 2013

6 Tips for Conserving Water While Travelling

These water conservation tips are not only applicable when travelling but when you are at home too. Water conservation habits in addition water conservation systems such […]
October 28, 2013

‘No Drop Report’ to monitor water losses in South Africa

South Africa being the water-scarce nation that it is, needs all the intervention it can get to reduce water losses and water wastage. Infrastructure will need […]
October 23, 2013

Five Simple Money & Water $avers

These simple water and money saving tips are worthwhile in the long run – both financially and environmentally. Combine them with water conservation systems such as […]
October 10, 2013

Quick Water Conservation Tips

Here are some quick water conservation tips that can save water and money.  When these water saving tips are combined with water conservation measures such as […]
August 6, 2013

Rainwater Collection: Affordable Conservation

As the article below states, rainwater harvesting is addictive!  Once you see how a simple rain barrel or drum can be set up easily and cheaply, […]
July 26, 2013

The Green Factor of Grey Water

Water conservation is becoming a must for everyone, especially in water scarce South Africa. Greywater recycling can save significant amounts of water and is an environmentally […]
July 13, 2013

10 essential things businesses must know in a water scarce world

Businesses certainly need to take into account growing water scarcity issues around the world.  In South Africa, a water-scarce nation, businesses will need to take practical […]
June 26, 2013

Grey Water: Is it Safe?

Grey water should be utilised more, especially for irrigation as it contains nutrients that plants thrive on and can reduce the need for fertiliser applications.  The […]
June 25, 2013

Condensate Harvesting 101: How Is it Done?

The article below explains how water from a source that most people wouldn’t think of – such as from air conditioners – can be captured and […]