underground tank

February 11, 2014

Underground water tank or aboveground tank: which to buy?

This is a choice that may face the prospective water tank buyer. We will briefly outline the pros and cons of both types of water tanks […]
September 24, 2012

Desalinated water via ‘coffee pot’ solar still

Most of us take our coffee pots for granted, thinking nothing of how that technology can be applied to bringing potable water to the masses. Italian […]
August 23, 2012

Karoo fracking investigation receiving full Cabinet attention

Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, for shale gas in the Karoo basin is receiving full Cabinet attention, although no declaration on whether a moratorium on fracking would […]
August 2, 2012

VIDEO: How to install a rain barrel or rainwater tank

This excellent video explains how to install a simple rain water tank as well as why rainwater harvesting is good for the environment and your pocket. […]
July 28, 2012

VIDEO: Grey Water Recycling Do’s and Don’ts

In these dry times we need to make efficient use of every drop of water. Melissa King has the do’s and don’ts about using recycled  grey […]
June 11, 2012

Uses of Rain Water Tanks & Installation Guide

The first thing you need to do is decide just what you are going to do with the water you collect in your rain water tank? […]
June 7, 2012

Selecting the right Water Tank or Rainwater Tank

A rainwater tank or water tank is a beneficial addition to any home, whether new or established, and the additional water can give a homeowner freedom […]
June 5, 2012

World Environment Day, 05 June 2012

World Environment Day is an annual event that is aimed at being the biggest and most widely celebrated global day for positive environmental action. World Environment Day […]
June 2, 2012

South Africa: Fracking ‘will cause water pollution’

Cape Town – A Free State professor says there is a high risk that hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in the Karoo could result in one of […]
May 31, 2012

Zuni Water Harvesting Techniques

Joel Glanzberg is a palaeohydrologist — he studies water use of ancient American Indians in the Southwest. He says the Zuni in New Mexico used sunken […]
May 17, 2012

Underground Rain Water Tank Installation Video

Watch this video for some insight into how a underground rain water tank and rainwater harvesting system is installed and operated. Although the above company in […]
May 13, 2012

Africa: U.S. Response to Future Water Crisis Takes Shape

Washington — World water crisis: The United States is developing a response to the strain bearing down on worldwide water resources in the decades ahead.
May 3, 2012

South Africa: Lesotho Highlands Water Project in numbers

2986m m³ of water a year are transferred from the Lesotho mountains’ Katse and Mohale dams to South Africa’s Vaal River system through the Lesotho Highlands […]
April 20, 2012

10 easy tips to save water in your garden

Water is always a precious commodity and it seems that, in the South [in the USA], we are only about two to three weeks from a […]
April 11, 2012

25 Ways to Conserve Water in the Home and Garden

Water conservation has become an essential practice in all regions, even in areas where water seems abundant. In addition to saving money on your utility bill, […]
March 31, 2012

DIY: How to Repair a Plastic Water Tank

Does your plastic water tank have a small crack or hole?  The tank can be saved using a simple diy procedure. Plastic water tanks come in […]
March 30, 2012

South Africa: Central plan needed to deal with water issues

Water affects everything we do, both positive and negative. With Human Rights Day fresh in our minds, it is appropriate to reflect on the words of […]
March 29, 2012

How Much Water Do You Use Every Day? (INFOGRAPHIC)

How much water have you used today? It may be more than you think. As the infographic below shows, hundreds of millions of people lack access […]