water tank

July 26, 2013

The Green Factor of Grey Water

Water conservation is becoming a must for everyone, especially in water scarce South Africa. Greywater recycling can save significant amounts of water and is an environmentally […]
July 13, 2013

10 essential things businesses must know in a water scarce world

Businesses certainly need to take into account growing water scarcity issues around the world.  In South Africa, a water-scarce nation, businesses will need to take practical […]
July 9, 2013

Gaza: The Water Is Running Out

Many people rely on borehole water from aquifers but, increasingly, aquifers are becoming polluted or severely depleted, even in South Africa. Very dry areas such as […]
June 27, 2013

Water Harvesting Art: Function Meets Beauty

Taking rainwater harvesting and making it a beautiful art form will appeal to bmany homeowners. A modern rainwater harvesting system can be cleverly disguised as art […]
June 26, 2013

Grey Water: Is it Safe?

Grey water should be utilised more, especially for irrigation as it contains nutrients that plants thrive on and can reduce the need for fertiliser applications.  The […]
June 25, 2013

Condensate Harvesting 101: How Is it Done?

The article below explains how water from a source that most people wouldn’t think of – such as from air conditioners – can be captured and […]
June 19, 2013

How to save water in public washrooms and toilets

This article mentions some great practical tips to reduce water usage. Public buildings usually have large roof surface areas ideal for rainwater harvesting – a few […]
June 4, 2013

How to save money & water on your lawn and landscape

As the article below states, rainwater harvesting and rain water tanks or rain barrels can save as much as 90% of water. Many of the other […]
May 11, 2013

Rainwater harvesting systems: domestic & industrial

Rainwater harvesting can be divided into 3 general categories: domestic ‘hobby’ rainwater harvesting, sophisticated/integrated domestic rainwater harvesting and rainwater harvesting on an industrial scale.  All involve […]
May 9, 2013

Uses for rainwater from rain water tanks

Rainwater harvesting in its simplest form comprises of a downspout from a roof gutter that directs rainwater into a rain barrel or water tank.  Rainwater from […]
May 7, 2013

South Africa: Johannesburg loses nearly 40% of its water annually

Water losses in Gauteng municipalities and many other towns and cities around South Africa should be spurring homeowners and businesses to invest in water conservation measures […]
May 7, 2013

10 Uses for portable JoJo horizontal tanks

JoJo Tanks (South Africa) manufacture a wide range of water tanks, chemical tanks, water tank stands and other products, including their range of portable, horizontal tanks.  […]
April 28, 2013

JoJo Tanks Products – Tips & Information

Here are some tips and information about JoJo water tanks and the various other JoJo Tanks products available in South Africa. Tank fittings JoJo vertical water […]
April 25, 2013

Free Rain – Rainwater Harvesting & Swimming Pools

As you can imagine, the process of rain water harvesting has been used for centuries, as far back as the third century BC. Farming communities would […]
April 21, 2013

It’s easy to be water wise

Water can be easily saved at home — in the kitchen, bathroom and laundry room, said Lilian Mezquida, AgriLife extension agent. But the first step is […]
April 20, 2013

Top Water Purification Tablets on the Market

Whether you are into backpacking and camping or you want to harvest rainwater as a way to go green, water purification tablets can be used to […]
April 15, 2013

Ghana: Water & electricity shortages belie growth

In Africa, progress does not guarantee access to the most basic necessities. This is amply demonstrated by Ghana, whose economic growth is the envy of its […]
April 14, 2013

How to conserve water in the bathroom

Water is a resource that is not without its limitations. That’s because only one percent of the water on Earth is fresh, or safe for use. […]