Water conservation is becoming a must for everyone, especially in water scarce South Africa. Greywater recycling can save significant amounts of water and is an environmentally […]
Businesses certainly need to take into account growing water scarcity issues around the world. In South Africa, a water-scarce nation, businesses will need to take practical […]
Many people rely on borehole water from aquifers but, increasingly, aquifers are becoming polluted or severely depleted, even in South Africa. Very dry areas such as […]
Taking rainwater harvesting and making it a beautiful art form will appeal to bmany homeowners. A modern rainwater harvesting system can be cleverly disguised as art […]
Grey water should be utilised more, especially for irrigation as it contains nutrients that plants thrive on and can reduce the need for fertiliser applications. The […]
This article mentions some great practical tips to reduce water usage. Public buildings usually have large roof surface areas ideal for rainwater harvesting – a few […]
Rainwater harvesting can be divided into 3 general categories: domestic ‘hobby’ rainwater harvesting, sophisticated/integrated domestic rainwater harvesting and rainwater harvesting on an industrial scale. All involve […]
Rainwater harvesting in its simplest form comprises of a downspout from a roof gutter that directs rainwater into a rain barrel or water tank. Rainwater from […]
Water losses in Gauteng municipalities and many other towns and cities around South Africa should be spurring homeowners and businesses to invest in water conservation measures […]
JoJo Tanks (South Africa) manufacture a wide range of water tanks, chemical tanks, water tank stands and other products, including their range of portable, horizontal tanks. […]
Here are some tips and information about JoJo water tanks and the various other JoJo Tanks products available in South Africa. Tank fittings JoJo vertical water […]
As you can imagine, the process of rain water harvesting has been used for centuries, as far back as the third century BC. Farming communities would […]
Water can be easily saved at home — in the kitchen, bathroom and laundry room, said Lilian Mezquida, AgriLife extension agent. But the first step is […]
In Africa, progress does not guarantee access to the most basic necessities. This is amply demonstrated by Ghana, whose economic growth is the envy of its […]