Water and Environmental Affairs Minister Edna Molewa has marked National Water Week by unveiling the Komati Water Scheme Augmentation Project (KWSAP), which has been designed to […]
As far as interrelated water and energy challenges go, the case of the natural gas drilling method known as fracking is a doozy. Natural gas has been touted […]
What will it take to convince the federal government that water and energy are tightly intertwined…and therefore their respective planning and policy must be closely linked? […]
Recognising the strategic link between sustainable water management and energy generation, the Water Research Commission (WRC) and Eskom have agreed to enter into a strategic research […]
South African petrochemicals group Sasol intends to ramp up production by half to 450-million scfd of gas from its natural gas fields in Mozambique, a senior […]
This massive astral power tower just won the 2010 Moon Capital International Design Challenge. Designed by Bryna Anderson, a graduate student from Columbia University, the concept […]
Solar power is arguably the cleanest energy source there is. But it’s also relatively inefficient—arguable from a technical standpoint, perhaps, but certainly not from a practical […]
Progress in efforts to improve water quality as a response to challenges facing the global water sector will be in the spotlight when delegates meet for […]
The link between water and carbon is one most people don’t appreciate. In considering the process of producing and using water, many people overlook the energy […]
Multipurpose investment in water management and hydropower was essential for sustainable growth in Africa, World Bank Africa region water and hydropower adviser Vahid Alavian said on […]
In this sunny country, solar energy is an abundant source of renewable energy, making it an obvious choice when seeking alternative sources of energy. Solar water […]
Mekong waters hit record low The livelihoods of 60 million people is threatened by falling water levels on the Mekong [Reuters] Thailand’s prime minister has said […]