rain gardens

May 22, 2014

Video: Key Ideas for Installing a Rain Garden

Rain gardens are not well known in South Africa but really should be incorporated into rainwater harvesting systems; the overflow from rain water tanks can be […]
September 26, 2013

Video: Key Ideas for Installing a Rain Garden

Rain gardens are a great way to slow stormwater runoff and put the rainwater to good use in a garden. Alternatively, rainwater can be directed to […]
June 24, 2013

Rainwater tanks & rain gardens save money & the environment

Rainwater harvesting is becoming better-known in South Africa as homeowners and businesses realise that water conservation must be embraced in our water scarce country.  Rain water […]
April 12, 2013

Why build a Rain Garden?

Raingardens are one of the best landscaping design ideas to come out of Melbourne’s recent drought and water shortage conditions. With more ideas like these, the […]
September 14, 2012

How do rain gardens & rain barrels reduce water pollution?

Every time it rains, stormwater runoff from developed areas creates problems. Our modern cities are engineered to funnel rainwater from the land as fast as possible […]
April 2, 2012

Four Creative Ways to Harvest Rainwater For Gardening

Collecting rainwater is a great way of saving money and helping the environment. Rainwater can be collected in a variety of ways and used throughout the […]
March 28, 2011

Save Water & the Environment with a Rain Garden

What is a rain garden? A rain garden is an attractive landscaping feature planted with perennial native plants. It is a bowl-shaped or saucer-shaped garden with […]
January 18, 2011

How to Garden Sustainably

Not only are sustainable gardening methods better for your wallet, but they are gentler on the planet as well.
November 25, 2010

What Is A “Living Building”?

Dear EarthTalk: I recently heard the term “living building.” Can you explain? Over the past couple of decades, architects and builders looking to green their projects […]
August 1, 2010

Over 900 dead as floods sweep Asia

Peshawar – Floods sweeping Asia have killed more than 900 people, officials said on Saturday, washing away thousands of homes and destroying infrastructure in some of […]
July 21, 2010

Rain garden design tips

Rain gardens are one way of reducing and managing stormwater runoff.  When planning one, contact your local nursery and explain what conditions the plants will have […]
May 16, 2010

Reduce Stormwater Runoff

A reduction in stormwater runoff is good for the environment.  As the video explains, there are a number of things that you can do to reduce […]