Polyethylene or ‘plastic’ water tanks are usually available in a number of different colours. The colour is usually aesthetic but there are some other good reasons […]
When choosing water tanks, there are a number of choices; including the type of material that tank is made from, namely: fibreglass, stainless steel, mild steel, […]
The article below provides some good grey water recycling tips and information. If grey water is to be temporary stored in holding tanks or water tanks, […]
In South Africa, plastic or polyethylene water tanks (also known as poly tanks) are by far the most popular choice when it comes to choosing between […]
It is certainly feasible for households to obtain all their water requirements by the installation of rain water tanks, depending, of course, on roof surface area, […]
Rain barrels, or more commonly known as rainwater tanks in South Africa can be made from small plastic drums, oak barrels or any other suitable container. […]
Rainwater harvesting systems all require a receptacle for storing rainwater – underground chambers, barrels, water reservoirs and even old swimming pools can be used. Polyethylene water […]
Rainwater harvesting is becoming better-known in South Africa as homeowners and businesses realise that water conservation must be embraced in our water scarce country. Rain water […]
Most hospitals in South Africa have an electricity back-up in the form of generators but surprisingly, not many have alternative water supply or even stored water […]
Good quality ‘plastic’ or polyethylene water tanks do not require much maintenance over their service lives but there are a few things that will ensure maximum […]
Water infrastructure in South Africa sorely needs a boost of investment from the private and public sectors. The average household or business can still ensure that […]
Whether you use traditional sources of water for irrigation or whether you have installed a rainwater harvesting system and irrigate from water stored in rain water […]
When choosing a water storage tank for storing rainwater or water from other sources, there are a number of things to consider before buying the water […]
Water losses in Gauteng municipalities and many other towns and cities around South Africa should be spurring homeowners and businesses to invest in water conservation measures […]