The South African Weather Service has advised the public that with the onset of winter on the horizon, it is highly recommended that water saving measures […]
Greywater recycling can be as simple as collecting shower water in a bucket to fully fledged treatment systems with multiple water tanks. A happy medium can […]
Thankfully, rainwater tanks and rainwater collection are not illegal anywhere in South Africa, in fact government encourages rainwater harvesting. Apparently a few states and counties in […]
A simple but clever way of ‘welding’ cracks in polyethylene or ‘plastic’ water tanks and other poly products. Remember not to breathe those fumes in! To […]
An excellent article written in the South African context; choose the best water tank for the situation. In our case, we recommend JoJo Tanks products; there […]
In South Africa there are a number of brands & types of water tanks and liquid storage containers; we recommend high quality polyethylene tanks made by […]
This greywater system makes use of hidden water tanks and effectively treats the grey water as well as makes for an attractive garden feature. Remember that […]
This video shows how domestic waste water can be effectively treated via series of underground tanks. Rainwater harvesting tanks complete the off-grid homestead. Whether you require […]
While the examples presented here are from North America, other countries, especially water scarce South Africa should be even more aware of conserving this resource and […]
South Africans are generally still very fortunate in that water is relatively expensive but it will not be like this for long, install rain water tanks! […]
Ever wondered how the best polyethylene water tanks are made? This video shows how rotational moulding is used to produce ‘roto-moulded’ poly water tanks. JoJo Tanks […]
A useful article which outlines just about every consideration required for installing water tanks and rainwater harvesting systems. Before you buy Do your research before making […]
Greywater recycling not only saves water but it reduces water bills too. Just remember never to store untreated greywater in a water tank or drum for […]
This article about the various components of a rainwater harvesting system and information about tanks & installation is useful for all contemplating collecting this free resource, […]
Although this article is about rainwater harvesting and rain water tanks in Australia, it is pertinent to South Africa which has a similar climate and is […]
While rain barrels are certainly better than nothing, we recommend the installation of larger water tanks to catch more rainwater, especially in water scarce South Africa. […]