While installing a water tank is the first step to harvesting rainwater, there is other hardware that should considered to improve the efficiency of the system. […]
The video below comprehensively demonstrates how a simple rainwater harvesting system can be constructed, using a rain barrel or small water tank and a few other […]
Rainwater harvesting systems need not be complicated or expensive but we always recommend installing larger water tanks as small tanks can fill up and overflow surprisingly […]
A great video detailing the installation of a rainwater system that uses two underground water tanks connected together in series. In South Africa, JoJo Tanks manufacture […]
In the US, ‘rain barrels’ are very popular but we recommend more substantial water tanks in South Africa, allowing useful quantities of rainwater to be captured […]
Watch this video on an ingenious first flush diverter made from common hardware store materials and a water bottle. It also explains the importance of fitting […]
With an introduction to why home-owners should keep rainwater on their properties and a clear demonstration of how to install a rain barrel or rainwater tank, […]
Watch this great video on how to build a simple rainwater harvesting system using rain barrels or small water tanks. Ensure the rain barrels/rainwater tanks/water drums […]
Professionally installed water tanks will always increase the value and/or desirability of a property in South Africa. South Africa is a water scarce nation with an […]
This novel approach of capturing rainwater with funnel-like ‘saucers’ that direct the rainwater straight to a water tank will appeal to some, especially those that do […]
While there is nothing too complicated about joining two rain barrels or two water tanks in series, another solution is to purchase a bigger water tank […]
Investing in a rainwater harvesting system and water tanks can be daunting but these tips below will help you budget for a rainwater system, whether you […]
In South Africa, good rains have begun falling over most parts of the country – businesses and home-owners should capitalise on harvesting this free source of […]