How much rainwater can you harvest from your rooftop? You need to know your rooftop surface area and local annual rainfall to calculate how much rainwater […]
Not many people think of water tanks for catching rainwater in industrial settings but in a water scarce country like South Africa, businesses should consider installing […]
Rainwater tanks have historically been used as an essential means of supplying drinking water in many rural and remote parts of the world. The location, style, […]
Whether you intend harvesting rainwater in water tanks or harvesting it for groundwater rejuvenation or rain gardens, the principles outlined below are important. 1. Begin with long […]
A great article on how to make a simple, inexpensive rainwater harvesting system. We always recommend installing more water storage capacity than you think you need […]
This article is a great example of how rainwater harvesting can ensure a household never runs out of water and the health benefits of using rainwater […]
It is certainly feasible for households to obtain all their water requirements by the installation of rain water tanks, depending, of course, on roof surface area, […]
Fortunately, in South Africa there are no such restrictions or laws governing rainwater harvesting or rain tanks, as there are in some states and counties in […]
Although cold-climate water harvesting is not particularly relevant to most South African conditions, the tips and facts presented in the article below are interesting nonetheless and […]
Rain barrels, or more commonly known as rainwater tanks in South Africa can be made from small plastic drums, oak barrels or any other suitable container. […]
Harvesting rainwater is free and there are very few reasons not to install rainwater harvesting tanks. The article below outlines more easy tips to harvesting this […]
What are ‘first flush diverters’? This quick video gives an overview of first flush rainwater diverters for water tanks and why they are an important component […]