September 24, 2020

What size water tank do I need for my household?

Rainharvest are suppliers of bulk order Jojo tanks and tank stands across South Africa.
February 2, 2020

How to waste less wastewater

Rainharvest are suppliers of bulk order Jojo tanks and tank stands across South Africa.
July 26, 2013

The Green Factor of Grey Water

Water conservation is becoming a must for everyone, especially in water scarce South Africa. Greywater recycling can save significant amounts of water and is an environmentally […]
July 17, 2013

Rwanda: Japan Donates Water Tanks to School

Rain water tanks at schools improve the lives of students and save considerable amounts of money in some areas, as the article below states.  Rainwater harvesting […]
June 19, 2013

How to save water in public washrooms and toilets

This article mentions some great practical tips to reduce water usage. Public buildings usually have large roof surface areas ideal for rainwater harvesting – a few […]
June 4, 2013

How to save money & water on your lawn and landscape

As the article below states, rainwater harvesting and rain water tanks or rain barrels can save as much as 90% of water. Many of the other […]
May 22, 2013

Is Your Sprinkling System Working Effectively?

Whether you use traditional sources of water for irrigation or whether you have installed a rainwater harvesting system and irrigate from water stored in rain water […]
May 16, 2013

Garden & Landscaping Water Conservation Tips

In addition to practising water conservation measures outlined below, why not supplement your water needs by harvesting rainwater?  Rainwater from your rain water tanks is free […]
May 9, 2013

Uses for rainwater from rain water tanks

Rainwater harvesting in its simplest form comprises of a downspout from a roof gutter that directs rainwater into a rain barrel or water tank.  Rainwater from […]
May 9, 2013

Will cities ever develop better water use strategies?

The question and answer dialogue below makes for some interesting and thought-provoking reading.  Although domestic water use pales in comparison to agriculture, industry and energy production, […]
May 7, 2013

More water conservation tips for the home

In addition to the water saving tips listed below, homeowners should also consider installing rain water tanks and grey water recycling systems.  A few water tanks […]
May 5, 2013

Home water conservation tips

To save even more water & money, water conservation systems such as grey water recycling & rainwater harvesting systems can be installed.  Rain water tanks can […]
April 21, 2013

It’s easy to be water wise

Water can be easily saved at home — in the kitchen, bathroom and laundry room, said Lilian Mezquida, AgriLife extension agent. But the first step is […]
April 6, 2013

India: Harvesting water from temples

JAIPUR: An astrologer and social activist has turned the religious practice of offering water and milk in temples into a unique way of water conservation. Pandit […]
April 2, 2013

Businesses: Top five tips for successful water management

The message is particularly pertinent for businesses, whose entire value chains account for a vast proportion of the water we consume globally, from industrial processes to […]
March 29, 2013

Saving water at home as important as saving energy

Most homeowners in the US are familiar with the Energy Star label on appliances and lighting fixtures, windows and other home products. Energy Star is a […]
March 20, 2013

South Africa’s national water week & dry reality

As South Africa marks National Water Week, news stories and studies show that our country’s water affairs is in a deep crisis… and things won’t be […]
March 17, 2013

Great water savings with eWasha water-recycling system

Based on its operations, it is a priority for car rental company Europcar to assess its organisational activities and identify areas where its environmental impact could […]