July 14, 2013

India: Mumbai officials advise that water tanks should be cleaned

Cleaning water tanks should be a periodic maintenance task although the period between cleaning will vary widely, depending on the quality of water entering the water […]
July 1, 2013

China: Water safety a major concern, groundwater polluted

Groundwater pollution is a growing problem, not only in China but in other parts of the world too, including South Africa.  In some cases, the only […]
June 1, 2013

Everyone should consider filtering water before drinking it

We are not only recommending filtering water from boreholes, dams/rivers, rain water , water tanks or water reservoirs but also municipal water…here’s why Many people seem […]
May 21, 2013

What Kinds of Chemicals Are in Your Tap Water?

As this article suggests, municipal water and bottled water are not necessarily ‘safe’ to drink. Why not consider rainwater harvesting and installing rain water tanks?  This […]
May 12, 2013

Bottled water in China less safe than tap water

Bottled water in many countries has, in some cases, been proven to be potentially dangerous to drink and the pollution/landfill issues with used plastic water bottles […]
January 22, 2013

Water pollution crisis in China

According to one report, “up to 40 percent of China’s rivers were seriously polluted” and “20 percent were so polluted their water quality was rated too […]
December 9, 2012

Chlorinated tap water linked to food allergies

Researchers claim to have found chlorine to be one of the causes in rising numbers of people with food allergies. Chlorine is a chemical element with […]
December 8, 2012

Zimbabwe water crisis: Ruling Zanu-PF to blame

Clean and plentiful water provides the foundation for the prosperity of any community for it to survive. Water supply issues should not be a problem for […]
November 15, 2012

Good water governance is key to South Africa’s future

Stakeholders in the water sector expressed concern that South Africa could face a serious crisis if water regulation is not seriously implemented.
September 23, 2012

Waste water recycling- Cheap solution to India’s water crisis

Where will India get its water from in the coming years? The water challenge is already grave and could get graver. By 2050, for instance, it […]
September 13, 2012

USA Water Sector Needs: Private Infrastructure Funds

One of the great ironies in the US water sector is that while many cities are starved for funding, billions of dollars in capital raised by […]
August 29, 2012

Water Innovation Starts with the Farmer

At the forefront of an important agricultural revolution in the developing world is not a leading scientist or a tireless advocate. Instead, the leader is a […]
August 21, 2012

R30 billion needed to start cleaning up South Africa’s mines

In response to the environmental risks posed by abandoned mines, mining companies are legally required to set aside money to clean-up mining operations before they are […]
August 16, 2012

NDP calls for the establishment of a national water agency

Cape Town – The revised National Development Plan (NDP) calls for the establishment of a national agency to manage the availability of enough water in South […]
August 14, 2012

South Africa: Can the legal fight for clean water be won?

The government, not always obviously, and concerned environmentalists – who are increasingly resorting to courts in the face of a bureaucratic laissez-faire attitude to a clean […]
August 11, 2012

Cabinet approves draft water management strategy for South Africa

South Africa potentially has sufficient water resources, but it had to be secured through extended and smart water management options, Cabinet said on Friday, as it […]
July 20, 2012

Dept. of Water & Environmental Affairs: Clean water not their problem

THE Department of Water and Environmental Affairs is passing the buck on who should be responsible for providing communities with clean drinking water. Its spokesman, Mava […]
July 18, 2012

Africa’s water scarcity mainly due to poor water management

Water utilities are losing billions of Rand through lost and stolen water in South Africa, while poor sanitation in Africa is leading to the deaths of […]