Cleaning water tanks should be a periodic maintenance task although the period between cleaning will vary widely, depending on the quality of water entering the water […]
We are not only recommending filtering water from boreholes, dams/rivers, rain water , water tanks or water reservoirs but also municipal water…here’s why Many people seem […]
As this article suggests, municipal water and bottled water are not necessarily ‘safe’ to drink. Why not consider rainwater harvesting and installing rain water tanks? This […]
Bottled water in many countries has, in some cases, been proven to be potentially dangerous to drink and the pollution/landfill issues with used plastic water bottles […]
According to one report, “up to 40 percent of China’s rivers were seriously polluted” and “20 percent were so polluted their water quality was rated too […]
Researchers claim to have found chlorine to be one of the causes in rising numbers of people with food allergies. Chlorine is a chemical element with […]
Clean and plentiful water provides the foundation for the prosperity of any community for it to survive. Water supply issues should not be a problem for […]
At the forefront of an important agricultural revolution in the developing world is not a leading scientist or a tireless advocate. Instead, the leader is a […]
In response to the environmental risks posed by abandoned mines, mining companies are legally required to set aside money to clean-up mining operations before they are […]
Cape Town – The revised National Development Plan (NDP) calls for the establishment of a national agency to manage the availability of enough water in South […]
The government, not always obviously, and concerned environmentalists – who are increasingly resorting to courts in the face of a bureaucratic laissez-faire attitude to a clean […]
South Africa potentially has sufficient water resources, but it had to be secured through extended and smart water management options, Cabinet said on Friday, as it […]
THE Department of Water and Environmental Affairs is passing the buck on who should be responsible for providing communities with clean drinking water. Its spokesman, Mava […]
Water utilities are losing billions of Rand through lost and stolen water in South Africa, while poor sanitation in Africa is leading to the deaths of […]