India, the second-biggest producer of rice, wheat and sugar, is the most vulnerable among the world’s leading industrial and emerging economies to future water stress, according […]
Water utilities are losing billions of Rand through lost and stolen water in South Africa, while poor sanitation in Africa is leading to the deaths of […]
A rainwater tank or water tank is a beneficial addition to any home, whether new or established, and the additional water can give a homeowner freedom […]
World Environment Day is an annual event that is aimed at being the biggest and most widely celebrated global day for positive environmental action. World Environment Day […]
Wonder how JoJo plastic tanks are made? Do you know what SG means? Find out about tanks from South Africa’s biggest water tank manufacturer with this […]
Simple steps to see the world while polluting less It’s a paradox of modern travel: The beauty of the natural world motivates many a globetrotter to […]
One-hundred schools across South Africa will gain access to water, sanitation and hygiene education (Wash) as a result of the R30-million partnership that was announced on […]
The Working for Water Programme is having a significant impact on the availability of water resources, especially in those provinces heavily invaded by aggressive invaders such […]
Our Thirsty World World Water Day 2010 & Beyond: We Can Solve the Global Water Crisis Why World Water Day? Billions of people worldwide lack access […]
Minister`s National Water Week Message 2010 This year’s National Water Week is an historic event in the calendar of water activities. It comes at a time […]