6000 litre tanks

January 1, 2013

8 Easy New Year’s resolutions for the planet

Easy New Year’s resolutions for 2013 that will be good for the environment too.
October 29, 2012

South Africa: Some Durban Residents Object to Water Recycling Proposal

Durban – More than 5 000 Durban residents have given the thumbs-down to the city’s controversial toilet-to-tap water recycling proposal. Most of the objections, which include […]
September 6, 2012

Laundry water saving and eco tips

Want to green your laundry routine but don’t have the budget to switch out your old dinosaur top-loader for a new high-efficiency purring machine? Fear not […]
August 25, 2012

Physical Water Scarcity and Economic Water Scarcity

The physical evidence of water scarcity can be found in increasing magnitude around the world, affecting rich and poor countries alike. Nearly three billion people live […]
August 11, 2012

VIDEO: How does a septic tank system work?

Many rural households rely on on-site septic tank systems for safe and efficient sewage treatment.  Watch this video to see how a septic tank system works. […]
May 31, 2012

How to Install a Rain Garden (Video)

Rain Garden Installation Guide Raingardens are a great way to utilise rainwater from your rooftop and reduce stormwater runoff.  Rainwater can also be directly harvested into […]
May 25, 2012

Why you should harvest rainwater

Did you know that more than 80% of rainwater evaporates back into the atmosphere? When water evaporates through plants, (transpiration) it cools the atmosphere and biological […]