RAIN GARDENS: They will ease strain on the municipal sewer system and keep pollutants out of lakes, streams Rain gardens can be an attractive and effective […]
Those responsible for contaminating South African land will pay, Environmental Affairs Minister Buyelwa Sonjica said on Wednesday. “We have taken the view that the cost of […]
Peshawar – Floods sweeping Asia have killed more than 900 people, officials said on Saturday, washing away thousands of homes and destroying infrastructure in some of […]
Rain gardens are one way of reducing and managing stormwater runoff. When planning one, contact your local nursery and explain what conditions the plants will have […]
Eco Sanitation works on the principle that urine and faeces are not simply waste products of the human digestion process, but rather are an asset that […]
Green roof design is being incorporated into more and more modern buildings. However, even an old roof can be modified into a green roof, watch the […]
Most of the man-made compounds cannot biodegrade and are progressively building up in the atmosphere and on the earth. They are contaminating our natural life system, […]
Tilapia now SA’s own bio-indicator of water pollution Southern African water specialists can now use a local Tilapiine species – instead of alien fish species – […]