jojo underground tanks

August 28, 2014

Water Tank Installation Guidelines & Tips

Water tank installation guidelines for polyethylene or plastic water tanks may vary slightly between different manufacturers and should be checked. The article below is a fairly […]
August 26, 2014

The Benefits of Plastic Underground Water Tanks

Plastic or poly underground water tanks are becoming increasingly popular in South Africa for a number of reasons. Space considerations are one reason. Underground water tanks […]
January 9, 2014

A case for poly underground water storage tanks

Underground water tanks are becoming increasingly popular in South Africa. Due to the excavation requirements, it is easier to install underground water tanks during the construction […]
September 9, 2013

Can normal water tanks be buried underground?

There is sometimes some confusion as to whether standard water tanks can be buried under ground, with soil up against the sides and tops.  In most […]
May 27, 2013

What features should the ideal underground water tank have?

Underground water tanks can be a better alternative to standard above-ground water tanks but they must be properly constructed and designed to withstand pressure exerted on […]
November 30, 2012

South Africa: WWF-SA and Woolworths partner for sustainability

The World Wide Fund for Nature South Africa (WWF-SA) and retailer Woolworths on Thursday announced a three-year partnership to drive greater sustainability through selected Woolworths products […]
September 24, 2012

Desalinated water via ‘coffee pot’ solar still

Most of us take our coffee pots for granted, thinking nothing of how that technology can be applied to bringing potable water to the masses. Italian […]
September 23, 2012

Zimbabwe’s water shortages in schools

The government is concerned about water shortages in schools across the country, according to the Minister of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture David Coltart. Zimbabwe’s schools […]
May 31, 2012

Zuni Water Harvesting Techniques

Joel Glanzberg is a palaeohydrologist — he studies water use of ancient American Indians in the Southwest. He says the Zuni in New Mexico used sunken […]