Sustainable housing is not a new idea, but there are many different ideas surrounding the term sustainable building, some of them always changing. People have varied […]
Myth: Going green is expensive.Fact: Although some green products are expensive, not all of them are. Some green habits end up being less expensive in the […]
Energy audits coupled with efficiency upgrades are some of most sensible things a home or business owner can do to lower utility bills and contribute to […]
Energy efficiency could be the immediate solution to higher energy demand, while renewable energy sources were being considered for long-term energy sustainability, energy experts said on […]
All but five percent of the world’s energy needs could be met from renewable sources by 2050, a report by conservation group WWF and energy consultancy […]
WASHINGTON, DC — Cool roofs, solar water heating and advanced metering are among the energy efficiency elements that are to be incorporated into new permanent Army […]
Banking group Standard Bank has invested R2,3-million in a hybrid solar water heating and heat pump system at the company’s head office in Johannesburg, as it […]
The term “technology” refers to the application of knowledge for practical purposes. The field of “green technology” encompasses a continuously evolving group of methods and materials, […]
A lot of concept houses come across our desk here at Inhabitat, but we were really impressed with this design for eco-housing in Ghana. Designed by […]
Many of us associate a wind turbine with sustainable farming as we regularly see them spinning ferociously on grassy hill tops in rural areas. The truth […]
Sustainability is about a business managing not only the financial but also the social and environmental impact of its operations. By taking sustainable action, restaurants can […]