June 1, 2011

Why Natural Gardening?

It is important to remember that opting for alternatives to synthetic garden inputs is important, but also part of a wider system of enhancing natural cycles […]
May 30, 2011

Bamboo Flooring Basics (Video)

Bamboo is a sustainable, renewable building and decor material and should be considered whether you are building a new how or renovating your existing home. If […]
May 30, 2011

Stoves, seeds could save African forests

Efficient cookstoves and better crop seeds could play a key role in saving forests in sub-Saharan Africa, helping to cut emissions of climate-warming carbon dioxide, environmental […]
May 27, 2011

Is It True That Farmers Feed Antibiotics To Livestock To Make Them Grow Faster?

I always thought the ‘it makes them grow faster’ reasoning for why they put antibiotics in animal feed was a myth and that the truth was […]
May 25, 2011

Do the fish in our oceans matter?

It’s hard to imagine the world beneath the surface of the oceans, those vast areas of water like the Pacific, Atlantic and Antarctic, where old maps […]
May 25, 2011

Plan for Greener Landscaping

If you’re trying to make your landscape more sustainable, one important thing to do is to reduce the size of your lawn and add more native […]
May 16, 2011

Scientific Studies Indicate That Cell Phones are Harming Bees

Scientists may have found the cause of the world’s sudden dwindling population of bees – and cell phones may be to blame. Research conducted in Lausanne, […]
May 16, 2011

What would you choose: Energy or Drinking Water?

With South Africa’s 2011 Municipal elections on 18 May, this is the time to vote for the part/candidates in your area who will protect our precious […]
May 16, 2011

Beating Famine (Will Anybody Listen?)

The world has forgotten that farmers are the most important human beings alive.  Not only do they grow food, they also manage half the world’s land, […]
May 15, 2011

5 Ways to ‘Green’ Your Lawn and Garden Care

Where Does Your Water Come From? An important question that few people in the U.S. can answer. For most people, their city or town collects water […]
May 15, 2011

Green Choices for Lawn and Garden (Video)

Fresh water is important to everyone. But sometimes, our water is polluted through excess nutrients — nitrogen and phosphorus from fertilizers running off farm fields and […]
May 15, 2011

Getting Fracked

Despite Shell’s assurances, fracking does pollute water, and the fact that it has been stopped in several countries because of pollution concerns should be enough reason […]
May 14, 2011

Greener Pet Care

You’ve no doubt heard all about how to make greener home cleaning products using simple ingredients like baking soda, vinegar, salt and lemon juice.  But since […]
May 14, 2011

1 in 8 People That Have Ever Lived Are Alive Today

Earth is in the midst of a population crisis, and extremes are heading in both directions. While countless species have seen their numbers plummet in recent […]
May 12, 2011

Excessive Consumption Pushing Our Planet Into Ecological Debt

There is no doubt about the fact that well-to-do economies have contributed greatly towards the development of our planet, both economically and technologically. But do you […]
May 12, 2011

Blackouts: green energy frozen out

South Africa could be in for more power disruptions when power consumption increases in winter, with Eskom warning that power supply is tight. While reduced power […]
May 10, 2011

Environmentally Friendly Camping Tips

South Africa has some of the best camping spots in the world. Follow these tips to make your experience safe, eco-friendly and enjoyable. If you are […]
May 5, 2011

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) calls for protection of ‘no-go’ mining areas

The World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF South Africa), together with numerous South African non-governmental organisations and the Centre for Environmental Rights, has handed over a […]