vertical water tanks

September 6, 2013

How much downward pressure do water tanks exert?

Calculating the nominal downward pressure of water tanks of known capacity is simple but do you know how the weight of the water tank is spread? […]
August 2, 2012

Water Conservation Tips for Schools

Schools use a tremendous amount of water everyday, and require water for their heating and cooling systems, restrooms, drinking water faucets, locker rooms, cafeteria, laboratories, and […]
July 30, 2012

Stone-age underground water reservoir to bring water to dry Namibia

A stone-age underground water reservoir could transform life in arid Namibia, a government official said Friday, holding up to five million cubic metres of water that […]
July 4, 2012

Water flows through heart of sustainability challenges

It is in the interests of big business to work with government to ensure the best use of water in the increasingly water-stressed country of South […]
June 8, 2012

Saving water is always good

Water plays a deeply under-appreciated role in our day-to-day lives considering its constant use in cooking, cleaning, bathing, and recreational activities; and on a grander scale, […]
June 3, 2012

Simple Rain Water Harvesting System, Tanks & Filter (Video)

DIY Rainwater Harvesting with Plastic Water Storage Tanks Watch this DIY video showing a simple rainwater harvesting system with sand and gravel filtration system. The sizes […]
June 1, 2012

Square Kilometre Array Project may threaten fracking plans

Johannesburg – South Africa’s winning the rights to host the bulk of the world’s biggest radio telescope looks set to clash with plans to use the […]
May 26, 2012

Plastic Vs Concrete Underground Water Storage Tanks

A rainwater tank or water storage tank is a valuable addition to any property, saving you water and money as well as helping the environment. If […]
May 25, 2012

Why you should harvest rainwater

Did you know that more than 80% of rainwater evaporates back into the atmosphere? When water evaporates through plants, (transpiration) it cools the atmosphere and biological […]
May 12, 2012

Saving Rainwater with Rainwater Storage Tanks

  Catching and using rainwater can be as simple as a single plastic barrel with a gravity feed to a flower bed, or they can be […]
May 11, 2012

The Coming Global Water Crisis

What happens when demand for this essential resource starts exceeding supply in many parts of the world? The recent UN alert that drought in the Sahel […]
April 23, 2012

Huge Ground Water Reserves in Africa

London – Huge reserves of underground water in some of the driest parts of Africa could provide a buffer against the effects of climate change for […]
April 20, 2012

South Africa: It’s time to take responsibility for our water

It is time that we all take responsibility for the state of our water sources and for the poor levels of sanitation in our urban areas. […]