Saving water at home means using it efficiently and sensibly; rain water tanks and greywater recycling systems can also increase the value of a property, especially […]
The Western Australian Greens have called on the State Government to reintroduce water efficiency plans in Perth to resolve a water crisis in the state’s south-west. […]
I recently heard Bruce Karas, Coca Cola’s VP of Environment and Sustainability, speak about that corporation’s continuing efforts to embed sustainability in their culture. And, while […]
Sustainable housing is not a new idea, but there are many different ideas surrounding the term sustainable building, some of them always changing. People have varied […]
Different models of washing machines can vary greatly in energy use, water use and operating costs. When buying a new washing machine: Buy a front loader […]
WASHINGTON, DC — Cool roofs, solar water heating and advanced metering are among the energy efficiency elements that are to be incorporated into new permanent Army […]
How can we live lightly on the Earth and save money at the same time? Staff members at the Worldwatch Institute, a global environmental organization, share […]
Climate change will bring higher temperatures to Southern Africa while changing rainfall patterns will affect the amount of water available for food production. “Irrigation is often […]
The green building revolution is often touted with a focus on two subjects – energy efficiency and reduced emissions. While both are obviously important, the issue […]