toilet hippo

September 11, 2012

Easy Eco Tip: Save 40 litres of Water a Day

The old folk wisdom that says place a brick in your toilet’s water tank is partially correct: It’s an effortless way to save water, but a […]
September 8, 2012

Water saving tips in the work place

Whether it’s an office, a factory, a hospital, a brewery, a hotel or restaurant or a school, the possibilities for saving precious water are all around […]
February 21, 2011

Give Your Bathroom a Green Mini-Makeover

Giving your bathroom a green mini-makeover can help reduce your monthly utility bills and you’ll also be saving a whole lot of water, one of our […]
February 13, 2011

45 Practical Water Saving Tips

YOU can play an important part in saving water by using these water saving tips in your home: Saving Water Indoors: