storm water runoff

April 12, 2013

Why build a Rain Garden?

Raingardens are one of the best landscaping design ideas to come out of Melbourne’s recent drought and water shortage conditions. With more ideas like these, the […]
March 9, 2013

‘Rainscaping’ answers storm water runoff problems

Stormwater runoff can quickly drain a homeowner’s wallet. The flooding erodes yards, soaks basements, pollutes streams and wastes a precious resource. But rainscaping — an integrated […]
July 21, 2010

Rain garden design tips

Rain gardens are one way of reducing and managing stormwater runoff.  When planning one, contact your local nursery and explain what conditions the plants will have […]
July 21, 2010

Managing Stormwater

Ever thought of where stormwater ends up? Poorly-managed stormwater can damage your property and the wider environment – but, managed properly, it can be good for […]
June 25, 2010

A Water Crisis is Threatening the World

The United Nations appears to be a notch more concerned about the progressive scarcity of clean water than about global warming. A WATER crisis is threatening […]
May 16, 2010

Reduce Stormwater Runoff

A reduction in stormwater runoff is good for the environment.  As the video explains, there are a number of things that you can do to reduce […]
April 28, 2010

First Eco-Friendly Hotel in Mpumalanga

The first eco-friendly hotel in the province was officially opened at Casterbridge Centre. The Casterbridge Hollow Boutique Hotel [owned by Mr Louis van der Merwe] was […]
March 16, 2010


Minister`s National Water Week Message 2010 This year’s National Water Week is an historic event in the calendar of water activities. It comes at a time […]