
July 20, 2010

Natural Insect Repellents

Making human flesh unappetizing to mosquitoes, ticks, flies, and fleas is an age-old preoccupation.  The earliest insect repellents included smoke, mud, and various plant substances.  Our […]
May 19, 2010

How to Obtain Water in a Survival Situation (Part 2)

Aboveground Solar Still Above-ground solar still You can use stills (aboveground and belowground) in various areas of the world. They draw moisture from the ground and […]
May 18, 2010

How to Obtain Water in a Survival Situation (Part 1)

There is always the possibility that you may find yourself unexpectedly in a survival situation one day.  Water is usually the most important factor in determining […]
May 13, 2010

Videos: See how Water Rhapsody Harvests Rain and Recycles Grey Water

Have a look at the 3 short videos below.  These videos were made by a Water Rhapsody branch in the Cape (South Africa); they briefly explain […]
May 8, 2010

The Use of Wind Turbines vs Solar Power in South Africa

Many of us associate a wind turbine with sustainable farming as we regularly see them spinning ferociously on grassy hill tops in rural areas. The truth […]
May 7, 2010

Eco-friendly Landscaping

Ways to ‘green’ your lawn and reduce its consumption of fresh water The above video is sure to make you re-think your ideas about lawn. The […]
May 5, 2010

Natural Building Materials

The materials common to many types of natural building are clay and sand. When mixed with water and, usually, straw or other fibre, the mixture is […]
April 30, 2010

Olifants River highly contaminated

The Olifants River in Mpumulanga is highly contaminated, researchers say. Microbiologist at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Martella du Preez, said all the […]
April 27, 2010

Grey Water System on White River Country Estate

Water Rhapsody’s Garden Rhapsody grey water irrigation system is a very popular water conservation product.  Restrictions on watering gardens do not have much effect on homeowners […]
April 12, 2010

Five Ingenious Ways Humans Move Water

Sometimes it’s not the lack of water that causes problems but the difficulties in reaching the nearest water source that can send societies scrounging. But for […]
March 13, 2010

Water at the core of climate change impacts

Desertification, flash floods, melting glaciers, heatwaves, cyclones or water-borne diseases such as cholera are among the impacts of global warming inextricably tied to water. And competition […]
March 12, 2010

Rainwater harvesting needs political buy-in to relieve water poverty

Water is unlike other scarce natural resources: it underpins all aspects of society, from ecology to agriculture to industry – and it has no known substitutes. […]
March 9, 2010

Warning on water demand in South Africa

Johannesburg – The country’s water demand will exceed supply by 2025, Consulting Engineers SA (CESA) said on Thursday. “Of concern are the metropolitan areas such as […]
March 8, 2010

New Water Rhapsody franchise in Mpumalanga & Limpopo

Water Rhapsody will help you to save water and money. Our water systems include rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling products specifically tailored to your needs (see […]