store rainwater

August 9, 2012

Agriculture depleting global ground water reserves

The world is depleting underground water reserves faster than they can be replenished due to over-exploitation, according to scientists in Canada and the Netherlands. The researchers, […]
July 15, 2010

How to Create a Green Roof

Green roof design is being incorporated into more and more modern buildings.  However, even an old roof can be modified into a green roof, watch the […]
July 7, 2010

Green your lawn with muscle power!

On any weekend the buzz and cough of gas powered lawn mowers is a common sound in suburbia. Aside from the noise pollution, gas powered lawn […]
March 22, 2010

World Water Day – March 22, 2010

Our Thirsty World World Water Day 2010 & Beyond:  We Can Solve the Global Water Crisis Why World Water Day? Billions of people worldwide lack access […]