solar water geysers

March 8, 2011

Today’s Lifestyle Change Can Lead to Tomorrow’s Better Planet

Being ‘green’ doesn’t carry that much weight when it’s just a ‘label’ and you are being ‘forced’ to change. It’s like being ‘on’ a  diet. We […]
December 24, 2010

12 myths about electric vehicles

Everything you thought you knew about plug-in hybrids and battery cars is probably wrong. 1. EVs don’t have enough range. You’ll be stranded when you run […]
December 20, 2010

Green Hotels and Reclaimed Materials

Time and time again we hear hotel project managers and developers embarking on “greening” projects comment, “If only I thought of reclaimed materials before…” Although the […]
December 19, 2010

Searching for a Green Job? 5 Tips for Finding Eco-Friendly Employment

Are you looking for a job with an eco-friendly company? Join the crowd. Job searchers increasingly are bringing their convictions about the environment with them on […]
December 6, 2010

Africa mulls biofuels as land grab fears grow

Farmers in this iron-roof village in Sierra Leone say they didn’t know what they were getting into when they leased their land for a biofuel crop […]
November 27, 2010

Renewable Energy: A World Review

Renewable energy is so named because it is derived from such natural raw materials which do not get exhausted; for instance, sunlight, air, rain water, tides […]
November 25, 2010

What Is A “Living Building”?

Dear EarthTalk: I recently heard the term “living building.” Can you explain? Over the past couple of decades, architects and builders looking to green their projects […]
November 22, 2010

Green Scorpions on environmental enforcement campaign

The Green Scorpions would begin a week-long ‘environmental enforcement’ campaign, says the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. “The intensive programme will start with MEC […]
November 19, 2010

Study shows consequences of SA water crisis

A Uasa economic impact study on the impact of South Africa’s water crisis predicts a possible decrease in disposable income, a hike in government spending, and […]
November 18, 2010

Africa to be world’s largest market for solar lighting by 2015

Africa is set to become the world’s largest market for solar portable lights (SPLs) by 2015, a report compiled by the International Finance Corporation and World […]
November 16, 2010

Is ‘Peak Oil’ Behind Us?

Peak oil is not just here — it’s behind us already. That’s the conclusion of the International Energy Agency, the Paris-based organization that provides energy analysis […]
November 15, 2010

Losses from natural disasters could triple by 2100: report

(Reuters) – Global losses from natural disasters could triple to $185 billion a year by 2100, excluding the impact of climate change, according to a report, […]
November 11, 2010

Solar fuel – the thermo-chemical approach

This is the thermo-chemical approach, in which solar energy is captured in the configuration of certain molecules, which can then release the energy on demand to […]
November 9, 2010

23 Year Old Invents Solar-Power Fridge Being Used In Africa

23 year old Emily Cummins has invented a solar-powered fridge currently being used in Africa. It uses zero electricity to keep the contents at 43 degrees. […]
November 8, 2010

ESKOM and WRC enter into a strategic research partnership

Recognising the strategic link between sustainable water management and energy generation, the Water Research Commission (WRC) and Eskom have agreed to enter into a strategic research […]
November 8, 2010

3 Emerging Green Technologies Leading to a Stronger Economy

What you need to know about solar power, electric cars and robotics. Elections come and go, yet the economy is still struggling. Campaign promises and the […]
November 3, 2010

5-MW hydropower plant to be built in Zimbabwe

South African hydropower plant developer, owner and operator NuPlanet has been granted a generation licence to build a 5-MW greenfield hydropower plant at the Mutirikwi dam, […]
October 30, 2010

Coastal winds power a remote region

Video: A Nigerian seeks to solve Mozambique’s energy problems with sun, wind and car parts. Source: GlobalPost Renewable energy such as wind and solar are low-impact, […]