eco friendly lawn

July 12, 2011

Water and Mow Less with Eco-Friendly Lawn Grass

Keeping a lawn lush and green requires a lot of “anti-green” practices. Spreading fertilizer and pesticides filled with chemicals, running sprinklers that waste water and cutting […]
May 15, 2011

5 Ways to ‘Green’ Your Lawn and Garden Care

Where Does Your Water Come From? An important question that few people in the U.S. can answer. For most people, their city or town collects water […]
May 15, 2011

Green Choices for Lawn and Garden (Video)

Fresh water is important to everyone. But sometimes, our water is polluted through excess nutrients — nitrogen and phosphorus from fertilizers running off farm fields and […]
May 7, 2010

Eco-friendly Landscaping

Ways to ‘green’ your lawn and reduce its consumption of fresh water The above video is sure to make you re-think your ideas about lawn. The […]