Capturing rainwater from your roof is a great way to supply water for a range of purposes including washing clothes, flushing toilets and watering your garden. Rainwater tanks can also help you save money on your water bill, especially if you also use other water saving devices such as dual flush toilets, water-efficient showerheads, trigger nozzles and tap timers.
Before you purchase or install a rainwater tank there are a number of considerations including:
Tanks are available in a range of materials in different shapes and sizes. The most common material used [in Australia] is galvanised steel which is light and provides for easy transportation. Concrete and ferro-cement tanks are strong and long lasting and can be installed under the ground. Fibreglass tanks suitable for collecting rainwater are manufactured with a food-grade coating on their interior surface. There is also an increasing range of tanks manufactured from synthetic polymers including polyethylene. Plastic tanks should be constructed of materials that are at least food-grade standard.
Customers considering the purchase of a rainwater tank should be aware that Australian Standards and guidelines apply to the design, material, manufacture and installation of rainwater tanks.
To be eligible for a rebate under the Living Victoria Water Rebate Program, all Rainwater tanks must be designed, manufactured and certified to the relevant Australian Standards to be eligible for a rebate under this program.
The size of tank you need depends on a number of factors including the roof area, water usage and physical constraints of your property. Obviously the larger the tank, the more effective it is in conserving water.
Your roof size will determine the volume of water you are able to harvest. You may need to make changes to the position of your downpipes or gutters to maximise the volume of water flowing to your tank.
Overflows or discharge pipes from roof mounted evaporative air conditioners or hot water systems should not be allowed to discharge onto the roof catchment area.
Making sure water quality is good depends on correct design and installation, followed by sensible maintenance of your rainwater tank and catchment area.
When installed, your tank should be covered and every access point, except the inlet and overflow, should be sealed. If an access point is left uncovered, there’s a risk of children, adults and animals drowning or contaminating the water. The inlet should incorporate a mesh cover and a strainer to keep out foreign matter and to stop mosquitoes and other insects getting into the tank. The overflow should be covered with an insect-proof screen.
You should not use a rainwater tank to supplement or provide your main source of drinking water if you live in an area affected by heavy traffic, industry, incinerators and/or smelters.
Source: Victoria Government, Australia (Edited)
In South Africa, polyethylene or plastic water tanks are probably the most commonly used water tanks due to their affordability, ease of transport and relatively good longevity (high quality versions). JoJo Tanks manufacture all their water tanks and rainwater tanks with an FDA-approved, food grade plastic inner lining that suppresses algae growth and keeps food fresher for longer. JoJo water tanks also come standard with a 5 year quality guarantee, that is why we recommend this brand. Click on the links below to view the wide range of jojo water tanks, jojo rainwater tanks, jojo tank stands and other high quality products available from JoJo Tanks South Africa.
JoJo Tanks South Africa offer a wide range of plastic water tanks and chemical tanks to suit every household, business or agricultural need, including silo tanks and silo tank stands. See JoJo Tanks VERTICAL TANKS, HORIZONTAL TANKS (transporter tanks), STEEL TANK STANDS and OTHER JOJO PRODUCTS. Also see JoJo Tanks’ NEW 6000 LITRE UNDERGROUND TANKS. Also see our FAQ and WATER TANK PRICES.
JoJo’s superior polyethylene plastic water tanks and steel water tank stands make JoJo Tanks the leaders in plastic water tank technology and the quality, affordability and guarantee on these water tanks make JoJo products the best choice in South Africa. JoJo’s water tanks and chemical tanks come standard with a number of features that are often lacking on cheaper/inferior plastic tanks made by other companies in South Africa.
We are authorised JoJo Tanks dealers in South Africa and dispatch orders directly from JoJo Tank depots to save on transport costs. Full range of JoJo Tanks products and JoJo water tanks for sale. CONTACT US for a quote on the right JoJo water tank or other JoJo product for you. Special discounts are available on multiple orders of chemical tanks and water tanks and to our commercial and government customers.
(15000 litre and 20000 litre JoJo vertical water tanks also available on order)