While researching The Trombe Wall: Low Tech Solar Design Makes A Comeback I stumbled over the work of DesignBuildBLUFF, the principal mission of which is to […]
Hip, colorful and apartment-ready, Bas van der Veer’s Raindrop Mini is a rainwater harvesting device made from recyclable plastic that’s designed specifically for water-smart urbanites. I […]
There are quite a few numbers tossed around at climate negotiations. Should world leaders agree to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees F) […]
THE Eskom subsidy for solar water heaters should be used to support the local industry and create local jobs, said Mr Michael Bagraim, the new President […]
Dear EarthTalk: I recently heard the term “living building.” Can you explain? Over the past couple of decades, architects and builders looking to green their projects […]
Solaris Energy has won an award for an idea that could help generate renewable energy without compromising on land resources. The company, which is at the […]
The Green Scorpions would begin a week-long ‘environmental enforcement’ campaign, says the Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. “The intensive programme will start with MEC […]
In a bid to solve Earth’s energy woes, scientists are contemplating building the world’s first “sustainable fusion” reactor by creating what they claim is a miniature […]
Dale Vince OBE has spent nearly £1million building the ‘Nemesis’ – an electricity-powered supercar which can accelerate from 0-100mph in a breathtaking 8.5 seconds. The founder […]
Africa is set to become the world’s largest market for solar portable lights (SPLs) by 2015, a report compiled by the International Finance Corporation and World […]
Peak oil is not just here — it’s behind us already. That’s the conclusion of the International Energy Agency, the Paris-based organization that provides energy analysis […]
(Reuters) – Global losses from natural disasters could triple to $185 billion a year by 2100, excluding the impact of climate change, according to a report, […]
23 year old Emily Cummins has invented a solar-powered fridge currently being used in Africa. It uses zero electricity to keep the contents at 43 degrees. […]
What you need to know about solar power, electric cars and robotics. Elections come and go, yet the economy is still struggling. Campaign promises and the […]
…as It Did 20,000 Years Ago Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona scientists have researched how ocean currents in the Atlantic were affected by climate change in the […]