Greywater recycling can be as simple as collecting shower water in a bucket to fully fledged treatment systems with multiple water tanks. A happy medium can be found if one uses the greywater as it is produced then no treatment needs to occur if used for garden irrigation. The golden rule of simple greywater recycling is that the gray water should not be stored in tanks or drums for more than 24 hours. After this, harmful bacteria may begin to multiply and then proper treatment (can be expensive) is required.
1) You are reusing water that goes through your home EVERY DAY in bathrooms, laundry, etc.
2) It’s a painless way to cut back on water usage.
3) It encourages you to use products with fewer toxins, meaning less pressure on our environment.
4) Using greywater means you’re using less municipal water, which means less water needs to be treated at sewage treatment plant. You’re saving energy, too!
Source: JoJo Tanks South Africa
Need water tanks for a greywater system or for storing water or harvesting rainwater? We recommend high quality polyethylene water tanks manufactured by JoJo Tanks; click on the links below for more information.
JoJo Tanks South Africa offer a wide range of products such as plastic water tanks and chemical tanks to suit every household, business or agricultural need, including silo tanks and silo tank stands as well as other high quality JoJo Tanks products. See JoJo Tanks’ VERTICAL TANKS, HORIZONTAL TANKS (transporter tanks), STEEL TANK STANDS and OTHER JOJO PRODUCTS and see JoJo Tanks’ NEW 6000 LITRE UNDERGROUND TANKS. Also see our FAQ and WATER TANK PRICES.
JoJo’s superior polyethylene plastic water tanks and steel water tank stands make JoJo Tanks the leaders in plastic water tank technology and the quality, affordability and 8-year guarantee on these water tanks make JoJo products one of the best choices in South Africa. *All JoJo Tanks polyethylene tanks and products now carry a 8 year warranty (on tanks purchased on or after 1 July 2013)* JoJo’s water tanks and chemical tanks come standard with a number of features that are often lacking on cheaper/inferior plastic tanks made by other companies in South Africa.
We are authorised JoJo Tanks dealers in South Africa and dispatch orders directly from JoJo Tank depots to save on transport costs. Full range of JoJo Tanks products and JoJo water tanks for sale. CONTACT US for a quote on the right JoJo water tank or other JoJo product for you. Special discounts are available on multiple orders of chemical tanks and water tanks and to our commercial and government customers. We can usually delivery tanks and tank stands free of charge to business/commercial addresses in South Africa.