South Africa is fast running out of the fresh water needed for myriad industrial processes, from food production to mining. More than 95% of the country’s available fresh water was already allocated by 2005.
In South Africa, the ability at municipal level to deal with industrial effluent was “severely compromised”, Mr Lloyd-Jones, MD of hygiene and sanitation company Waterwise, said.
This gave a practical bent to the moral imperative to “put it back as you found it”, he said.
South Africa was not doing enough to protect its available fresh water, and climate change was set to deepen the problem by changing rainfall patterns, said World Wide Fund for Nature South Africa’s water programme senior manager, Christine Colvin.
It was generally predicted that South Africa’s east would become wetter and the west drier, she said.
“The one thing that is agreed on (scientifically) is that we are likely to feel the impact of climate change first through (its) impacts on water,” she said.
The extent of the crisis in municipalities is evident in the annual R2bn water infrastructure backlog, and in a report released by the Water Research Commission shows South Africa loses 36.8% of its available municipal water before it reaches a tap. It is lost through leaks, theft and metering inaccuracies.
South Africa loses R7bn a year because of these “nonrevenue” water losses.
Mr Lloyd-Jones said business would in future need to invest in water reuse infrastructure to avoid higher taxes, imposed to raise funds for water infrastructure.
Experts have repeatedly said water is not properly priced in South Africa, leaving consumers to view it as expendable, and that water tariffs will rise in the future, in much the same way as electricity tariffs have risen in recent years.
Water reticulation equipment was “actually not that expensive in the greater scheme”, Mr Lloyd-Jones said.
“It’ll cost millions but (industrial facilities) cost multimillions and it’s not that expensive if the alternative is that you go out of business in 10 years’ time because there is no water,” he said.
Ms Colvin agreed that municipal water infrastructure was unable to cope with increasing populations, and increasing pollution. This would be exacerbated in the eastern parts of the country where rainfall would increase.
The expected increased frequency of heavy rainfall “events” would also increase pollution because the rain would flush various pollutants, including nutrients such as fertilisers and sewage, into dams and rivers. This would promote algal blooms that deplete the water’s dissolved oxygen and produce toxins that kill aquatic life and render the water toxic.
Ms Colvin said the government could do much more to protect South Africa’s headwater areas from development such as mining that would jeopardise “the engines of our water system”. In South Africa 8% of the land area generated more than 50% of the river runoff. These areas should be protected, she said.
Source: Business Day Live (By Sue Blaine)
The water crisis is set to worsen due to the seeming lack of response to the crisis by government and big business. Water infrastructure maintenance and investment is not what it should be; water shortages will be compounded by this. Rainwater harvesting is a partial solution to the crisis, especially seeing that the eastern areas of South Africa will probably receive more rainfall in the future. Rainwater harvesting is mostly considered to be a case of households harvesting rainwater for domestic consumption but it can be very successfully adapted to a larger scale. Many industries in South Africa have very big warehouses or factories that often have ideal rooftops for rainwater collection. The large surface area of many factories could harvest tens of thousands of litres of rainwater during a single rainfall event. Water storage is often the constraint but if there is sufficient space, a number of 10000 litre, 15000 litre or even 20000 litre water tanks could be placed in series to store the maximum amount of rainwater possible. This could ensure that a business could become at least partially self-sufficient for its water requirements and it would increase ‘green’ credentials – important in today’s consumer awareness. Click on the links below to view the wide range of JoJo Tanks products available in South Africa.
JoJo Tanks South Africa offer a wide range of plastic water tanks and chemical tanks to suit every household, business or agricultural need, including silo tanks and silo tank stands. See JoJo Tanks VERTICAL TANKS, HORIZONTAL TANKS (transporter tanks), STEEL TANK STANDS and OTHER JOJO PRODUCTS. Also see JoJo Tanks’ NEW 6000 LITRE UNDERGROUND TANKS. Also see our FAQ and WATER TANK PRICES.
JoJo’s superior polyethylene plastic water tanks and steel water tank stands make JoJo Tanks the leaders in plastic water tank technology and the quality, affordability and guarantee on these water tanks make JoJo products the best choice in South Africa. JoJo’s water tanks and chemical tanks come standard with a number of features that are often lacking on cheaper/inferior plastic tanks made by other companies in South Africa.
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