water purification

March 12, 2011

Banana Peels as Water Purifiers?

Banana peels show promise as superior water purification materials. To the surprisingly inventive uses for banana peels, which include polishing silverware, leather shoes, and the leaves […]
August 3, 2010

Karino Water Plant Operational

Silulumanzi recently launched a new water plant opposite Karino Estate.  This plant will supply half of the stands, approximately 2250, with clean water.  It will produce […]
June 14, 2010

Preparedness: Water Storage Tips

Some preparedness authorities recommend storing at least 14 gallons (53 litres) of water per person, which amounts to a two-week supply. This would mean a family […]
April 1, 2010

Wetlands: their Importance and Function

Wetlands range from springs, seeps, mires and bogs in the mountains, to midland marches and flood plains, to coastal lakes, mangrove swamps and estuaries. All wetlands […]
March 17, 2010

Natural Water Purification

‘World’s Most Useful Tree’ Provides Low-Cost Water Purification Method for Developing World ScienceDaily (Mar. 14, 2010) — A low-cost water purification technique published in Current Protocols […]