reduce carbon emissions

January 15, 2011

Living Green and Healthy: 5 Health Benefits from Going Green

I spend a fair amount of time on Living Green and Saving Energy describing how to go green and save money as a result. But as […]
August 9, 2010

Climate Change & Politics are Inseparable

Some things we take for granted, like a predictable climate and a temperate earth. Oops. Our carbon emissions are fundamentally changing that climate — faster and […]
August 9, 2010

Worst Impact of Climate Change May Be How Humanity Reacts to It

The way that humanity reacts to climate change may do more damage to many areas of the planet than climate change itself unless we plan properly, […]
July 29, 2010

Recycling vs. Reusing: Is there a difference?

As the world becomes more environmentally aware, recycling & reusing energy, water and other natural and man-made resources is becoming more commonplace.  What is the difference […]
July 28, 2010

How to Hypermile & Drive Green

9 Steps to Saving Fuel, Saving Money and Saving the Environment Hypermiling refers to a collection of driving techniques aimed at improving your car’s fuel efficiency […]
June 13, 2010

How to Travel Green

Green travel is not an easy prospect; the fact that you are travelling means by definition that you are causing damage to the planet. Travelling on […]