A famous person once observed that the signature of a civilized mind is the ability to hold two seemingly contradictory ideas in one’s head at the same time. This is exactly what conservation must learn to do when it comes to introduced (or what we often call “non-native” or “invasive”) species.
These two views are not as contradictory as the media will portray them — but no one has recently accused the media of having a civilized mind.
Start holding these ideas together in your head:
1. Non-native species can have devastating impacts, especially on islands. Exotic plant pathogens cause enormous economic damage. Some plant invaders totally remake ecosystems — altering fire regime, nutrient cycling, productivity and resident animals. Some introduced animals have devastated fish, bird and lizard diversity.
2. But non-native plants can also provide habitat for endangered species, and when landscapes have been trashed, exotic trees with rapid growth can be the best bet for erosion and mudslide control.
3. Trade restrictions and border inspections substantially (and relatively cost-effectively) reduce the flood of non-native pests, and some eradication programs have succeeded. For example, on Santa Cruz Island (off the coast of southern California), the Conservancy has eliminated pigs and in the process greatly enhanced the prospects for the highly endangered island fox.
4. But millions of dollars have been spent by federal agencies to control certain invasive species that have no measurable impacts on biodiversity or ecosystem function, and that in the end are not even reduced by the investment — in other words, lots of money has been wasted.
5. It is important to protect ecosystems from certain invaders that could radically change the communities and overwhelm native species.
6. But we must admit that novel ecosystems are increasingly common and these may contain non-native species that will have to be treated as “part of the ecosystem” going forward.
Some of my conservation colleagues will label the Nature article by Mark Davis and eighteen other ecologists “dangerous” or “destructive” because it puts forth the even-numbered ideas above. It will be interpreted as undermining existing programs to prevent or control invasive species. I do not view it that way. I see it as a provocative essay intended to make us think about how we invest our limited conservation energy and funds.
Science-based conservation cannot be about knee-jerk platitudes and simple views of good and evil. Policy experts and conservationists who have been working hard to control invasive species should not discourage arguments about invasive species — the fact is we cannot control all invasive species, and in many cases, yesterday’s invaders have become plants and animals that are beloved by local people. The concept of “nativeness” did not even really appear in the literature until the mid-19th century, the construct of the British botanists John Henslow and (later) Hewitt (H.C.) Watson.
We at the Conservancy and the broader conservation world need to take seriously the challenges issued by Mark Davis and his colleagues, and think about what they mean for where we invest our money. Triage is an act of responsibility, not surrender. I am confident that The Nature Conservancy’s investment in eradicating pigs from Santa Cruz Island was smart. I am equally confident that polices restricting the flow of non-native plants into the country could reduce future economic damage from non-native insects and pathogens. But I have also seen money spent on futile invasive control programs or targeting non-natives that are relatively inconsequential.
Source: The Nature Conservancy (Peter Kareiva)
Having personally witnessed the devastating impact of rabbits in Central Otago, New Zealand (where nearly 100% of the mammals present are ‘exotics’), there certainly should not be a slackening of concern for certain invasive species and biological contamination. On the other hand, for example, the House Sparrow has made South Africa its home and its environmental impact is probably very low. House Sparrows can be pugnacious and do dominate some indigenous bird species but they are very seldom found away from man-made infrastructure and urban areas. I watched a House Sparrow, catch and devour another of man’s pests, the cockroach, and decided to take a less harsh view of this bird species in South Africa. Another thing that many forget, is that invasive species ‘invade’ almost always as a result of humans- it isn’t the animals’ fault that they have found new homes in far off lands (and waters).
Also see these related posts: Invasive species in Antarctica, Tilapia farming abroad an environmental nightmare, Mediterranean Sea invaded by hundreds of alien species and on a positive note, Alien Giant Tortoise Helps Restore Ecosystem.
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