It may seem a little odd that anyone would wish to produce worms in volume, until one considers that they are a very high source of protein and nutrients. Worms make an excellent animal feed. There is a reason why the early bird bothers running around and catching worms.
Worms are also raised for fishing bait but they generally need a special diet to fatten them up.
Worms also make a great fish food. In aquaculture they can be fed live to fish or dehydrated and ground up into a meal which is then fed as a powder or pellets.
Birds love worms which are an excellent bird or chicken food. Poultry is probably best fed live worms as it simplifies the feeding process. This is especially true if the worm farm is close to where the birds are.
One of the most valuable products of a worm farm are the worm castings or vermicastings . This is the reason most people have a worm farm. Worm castings are a high-quality, excellent garden fertilizer. They are ideal for organic gardening and contain microbes, bacteria and organic matter. They are a perfect soil conditioner. There is no better fertilizer for your garden.
Another big advantage of a home farm the rubbish is recycled into something of value.
I think the last reason for worm farming is probably the most important – Education.
I have found worm farms are an invaluable tool in teaching my children the value of recycling as well as proper plant care. It has been very rewarding watching my daughters growing up and learning to plant, care for, nourish and love our garden it has been a big adventure for all of us. Gardening for children is enhanced by learning about earthworms and how they help the soil.
SEE ALSO: Reduce Organic Waste, Start an Earthworm Farm & Worm Composting
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Source: WormFarm.co.za