water independence

August 18, 2010

First no water, now it’s foul

After a week without water, residents of Pennington can open their taps again, but they say the water is of such poor quality it is undrinkable. […]
August 7, 2010

Green Power Island – A renewable energy haven for Denmark

Renewable energy island to generate renewable energy from sun, wind and biomass. With a focus on the abundant wind energy in Denmark, Copenhagen-based architectural firm Gottlieb […]
July 16, 2010

Edible Rooftop Gardens

RISC is an inspirational edible roof garden project atop the Reading International Solidarity Centre, a development education centre in the heart of the busy city. It […]
April 10, 2010

Household Detergents, Shampoos May Form Harmful Substance in Waste Water

Scientists are reporting evidence that certain ingredients in shampoo, detergents and other household cleaning agents may be a source of precursor materials for formation of a […]