“Water poverty” will become the new fuel poverty for an increasing number of households as scarcity of water supply pushes up bills, according to an influential […]
While conjuring up comfort in the home seems like a basic principle, it’s a far more complex process for architect & remodeling guru Sarah Susanka, who […]
Rising food prices and a shortage of critical crops is fueling political instability in numerous regions worldwide and might have contributed to uprisings in Egypt and […]
Not long ago the word “diesel” was synonymous with loud, smelly, and unreliable vehicles in the United States. In fact, over the last several decades diesels […]
These extremes of drought and flood are the new normal, says latest SA climate data It’s official: the weather is getting weirder. South Africa’s top scientists, […]
The Global Agenda Council on Water Security, comprised of leading experts from business, government, academia and civil society, provides thought leadership to the Forum’s activities and […]
A decade ago, Nobel Prize-winning scientist Paul Crutzen first suggested we were living in the “Anthropocene,” a new geological epoch in which humans had altered the […]
Body-disposal process offers more eco-friendly alternative to cremation From dust we are, and to dust we shall return — by burial, cremation or emulsification. As some […]
Time and time again we hear hotel project managers and developers embarking on “greening” projects comment, “If only I thought of reclaimed materials before…” Although the […]