global population

July 11, 2011

World Population Day: Sustainable Agriculture for a Planet of 7 Billion

As the world population increases, so do the number of mouths to feed. The good news is that in addition to providing food, innovations in sustainable […]
May 14, 2011

1 in 8 People That Have Ever Lived Are Alive Today

Earth is in the midst of a population crisis, and extremes are heading in both directions. While countless species have seen their numbers plummet in recent […]
December 20, 2010

Humans Now Consuming 25% of All Plant Life Growing Each Year

Plenty of research on both both personal and national ecological footprints has shown that we are using Earth’s resources at unsustainable rates, that we are using […]
June 15, 2010

Having Babies: Bad for the Environment?

There ’s no doubt that every person who is born uses more food, more water, more land, more fossil fuels, more trees and produces more rubbish, […]