Less than 3% of the planet’s water is fresh and drinkable – more than 97% is salty. Therefore, no matter which part of the world we live in, we have to take water conservation seriously
particularly as the population is exploding whilst the amount of water available remains constant.
As South Africa is a relatively dry country, the problem is exacerbated by an average annual rainfall of about 464mm (compared to a world average of about 860mm). Additionally, it tends to be concentrated in certain areas, does not fall consistently throughout the year and is stored in very expensive dams remote from the concentration of users that leads to expensive pipelines and pumping costs.
Every South African should invest in some sort of system to save water. JoJo Tanks, with its wide range of water tanks ranging from 750Lt to 20 000Lt offers a perfect water storage solution.
The cost of water in South Africa is not that high so we tend to be wasteful. Indications however are that water will become more expensive and there may simply not be enough water to meet the country’s future needs and the need to save water will be forced upon us. Every South African should therefore become savvy about rainwater harvesting and install water tanks to harvest rainwater.
Tanks are easy to install – just make sure you have the correct tank stand. When evaluating a tank stand, consider the size of the water tank you require and how much it will weigh when filled with water. The tank stand has to be able to support the weight. Naturally the bigger the water tank the bigger the weight so it is crucially important to install or construct your tank stand correctly. tank stand could simply consist of a solid and level concrete slab or you can purchase either a timber or a steel tank stand. Timber and steel tank stand. Please note, sand should never be used as a tank stand support.
Trusted industry leader and South African owned and operated JoJo Tanks, has the technological expertise to provide innovative and custom-made liquid storage tank solutions for a wide range of applications both as part of a new design and retrofitted within an existing design. Whatever a customer’s needs, a JoJo tank can be designed and manufactured to meet that particular application. Accessories for all tanks are supplied.
JoJo tanks are available in a variety of shapes, colours and sizes to suit every need and environment and include vertical, horizontal and low profile water tanks for urban applications as well as fertilizer and chemical tanks for agricultural, commercial and industrial use. Our sanitation range of tanks and our water tanks offers unsurpassed quality and ease of installation.
In addition to the wide range of big volume tanks, JoJo Tanks also offers a streamlined urban option, the JoJo Slimline™. with a 750lt capacity. It’s ideally suited for city living where space is a often a consideration.
When purchasing tanks, whether for an individual home, a residential estate property development or an industrial or commercial site, guaranteed quality and durability are important considerations. The exceptional properties of a JoJo Tank, proven over 30 years, means that there is no better choice of tank.
JoJo Tanks manufactures tanks out of seven factories around South Africa and also has a wide range of national distributors and preferred service suppliers making sure that your choice of JoJo Tank is as close as your nearest hardware store. JoJo tanks are priced competitively but what is more important is that it is the authentic original water tank. With JoJo Tanks the tank price is supported by a 5-year guarantee so your money will be invested in a tried and trusted product.
Source: JoJo Tanks
JoJo Tanks (South Africa) offer a wide range of water tanks to suit every household, business or agricultural need. See JoJo Tanks’ SMALL VERTICAL TANKS, LARGE VERTICAL TANKS, HORIZONTAL TANKS and LOW PROFILE TANKS as well as STEEL TANK STANDS.