Water Affairs Minister Buyelwa Sonjica has been mandated to urgently convene a special task team to investigate acid water drainage in some provinces. Briefing the media […]
There is always the possibility that you may find yourself unexpectedly in a survival situation one day. Water is usually the most important factor in determining […]
As the above video explains, the 3-pronged approach to ensuring we have enough water is: 1. Conservation; 2. Grey Water recycling and 3. Catchment. Water Rhapsody […]
The first eco-friendly hotel in the province was officially opened at Casterbridge Centre. The Casterbridge Hollow Boutique Hotel [owned by Mr Louis van der Merwe] was […]
Water Rhapsody’s Garden Rhapsody grey water irrigation system is a very popular water conservation product. Restrictions on watering gardens do not have much effect on homeowners […]
While the contents themselves are not especially harmful, the process of producing bottled water is not doing the environment any favors. Many health-conscious consumers strongly believe […]
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has been keeping a watchful satellite eye on Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull volcano, which awakened for the first time in 120 years on March […]
Scientists are reporting evidence that certain ingredients in shampoo, detergents and other household cleaning agents may be a source of precursor materials for formation of a […]
Engineers report progress in rescuing a once-great inland sea. Aralsk, Kazakhstan, is surrounded by barren desert, but the city could become a thriving port if the […]
Sustainability is about a business managing not only the financial but also the social and environmental impact of its operations. By taking sustainable action, restaurants can […]
Our Thirsty World World Water Day 2010 & Beyond: We Can Solve the Global Water Crisis Why World Water Day? Billions of people worldwide lack access […]
‘World’s Most Useful Tree’ Provides Low-Cost Water Purification Method for Developing World ScienceDaily (Mar. 14, 2010) — A low-cost water purification technique published in Current Protocols […]