solar geysers

June 12, 2011

Water Footprints: How Much Water in Your Food?

Often, when you think about food production, it is only the carbon emissions in terms of fertilizer use, transportation etc that is accounted for. However, food […]
March 13, 2011

How To Survive Without Electricity

Situations Where There May Be No Electricity It’s interesting to read that electricity has only been a common household item in the last 50 or so […]
March 10, 2011

Eco-farming can double food output by poor: U.N.

Many farmers in developing nations can double food production within a decade by shifting to ecological agriculture from use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, a U.N. […]
March 10, 2011

5 Tips on how to find your dream green job

So you want a green career? Well, you’re not alone. While the economy has been cooling down, the interest in green jobs has been heating up. […]
March 9, 2011

Kenyan Villagers Turn Invasive Water Hyacinth into Moneymaker

The rapid growth of invasive water hyacinths has taken a serious toll on Kenya’s Lake Victoria, creating inhospitable conditions for the fish local people depend on, […]
March 8, 2011

South Africa: Solar Water Heater Market Poised for Strong Growth

Global consultancy Frost & Sullivan (F&S) said that the solar water heater (SWH) market in South Africa grew significantly in the past four years, and suggested […]
March 7, 2011

Cooling Your House Without Electricity

Long time readers may remember when I wrote about two different ways you could heat your home or garage without using electricity. There was the heater […]
March 4, 2011

Micro Solar Systems: a Life Changer for the Developing World

A solar phone charging station in Uganda If someone offered you a solar system for $12, you’d probably be immediately suspicious. Once they told you it […]
March 4, 2011

Bringing Back The Past To Save The Future

In the past, there was no such thing as disposable plastic grocery bags… single-use utensils… or 24/7 fast food joints. Our instant gratification-based society has quickly […]
March 1, 2011

Flushing the toilet with greywater

When we first moved into our house almost 5 years ago we were told the shower in the master bathroom had a leak, but that it […]
February 28, 2011

Climate Change Is Making Food Less Safe

While there has been extensive research on the effects of climate change on food security, less well-known is the effect of climate change on food safety. […]
February 27, 2011

Mystery of the missing pool water

Thieves in Port Elizabeth are stealing pool water in a bid to make money. They are making a quick buck in the drought stricken city’s suburbs, […]
February 26, 2011

Hospitals Go Green and Cut Costs

Hospitals are a major source of waste and energy consumption, second only to the food industry in the amount of waste produced every year.
February 26, 2011

Why Genetic Engineering Is Dangerous

“The Canadian GM risk assessment process is so simplistic that not a single submission has ever been rejected in Canada. Everything submitted, almost wholly by industry, […]
February 25, 2011

What is your Nitrogen Footprint?

Are you looking for something to flagellate yourself over? Carbon footprints are last week’s news: The new hot subject for self-recrimination is your nitrogen footprint. According […]
February 25, 2011

‘Water poverty’ to rise in the UK as scarcity pushes up bills

“Water poverty” will become the new fuel poverty for an increasing number of households as scarcity of water supply pushes up bills, according to an influential […]
February 23, 2011

7 Reasons to go Organic

We have experienced a surge in the green movement over the last several years. Environmental activists have emphasized the need to protect our most precious natural […]
February 23, 2011

Simple tips for cutting your electric bill (and emissions!)

Have you ever received an electric bill that caused you to gasp? Or does your bill seem extraordinarily high every month? You might find yourself wondering […]