Often, when you think about food production, it is only the carbon emissions in terms of fertilizer use, transportation etc that is accounted for. However, food […]
Many farmers in developing nations can double food production within a decade by shifting to ecological agriculture from use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, a U.N. […]
The rapid growth of invasive water hyacinths has taken a serious toll on Kenya’s Lake Victoria, creating inhospitable conditions for the fish local people depend on, […]
Global consultancy Frost & Sullivan (F&S) said that the solar water heater (SWH) market in South Africa grew significantly in the past four years, and suggested […]
Long time readers may remember when I wrote about two different ways you could heat your home or garage without using electricity. There was the heater […]
A solar phone charging station in Uganda If someone offered you a solar system for $12, you’d probably be immediately suspicious. Once they told you it […]
In the past, there was no such thing as disposable plastic grocery bags… single-use utensils… or 24/7 fast food joints. Our instant gratification-based society has quickly […]
While there has been extensive research on the effects of climate change on food security, less well-known is the effect of climate change on food safety. […]
“The Canadian GM risk assessment process is so simplistic that not a single submission has ever been rejected in Canada. Everything submitted, almost wholly by industry, […]
Are you looking for something to flagellate yourself over? Carbon footprints are last week’s news: The new hot subject for self-recrimination is your nitrogen footprint. According […]
“Water poverty” will become the new fuel poverty for an increasing number of households as scarcity of water supply pushes up bills, according to an influential […]
We have experienced a surge in the green movement over the last several years. Environmental activists have emphasized the need to protect our most precious natural […]
Have you ever received an electric bill that caused you to gasp? Or does your bill seem extraordinarily high every month? You might find yourself wondering […]