jojo tank dealers

April 14, 2013

How to conserve water in the bathroom

Water is a resource that is not without its limitations. That’s because only one percent of the water on Earth is fresh, or safe for use. […]
May 28, 2012

57% of China’s urban underground water polluted

BEIJING – Underground water in 57 percent of monitoring sites across Chinese cities have been found polluted or extremely polluted, the Economic Information Daily reported on […]
May 9, 2012

Which Municipality in South Africa has the Best Water?

The quality of drinking water in South Africa has improved significantly in the past year, with a “blue drop” score nationally of 87,6% – 15 percentage […]
May 6, 2012

South Africa: Water tariff hikes slammed

The DA has asked that the Msunduzi municipality (South Africa) investigate the financial feasibility of raising a loan to cover its contribution towards the construction of […]
May 5, 2012

Water Shortages May Leave Energy Producers Dying of Thirst

Utility planners are devising ways in which they would meet the demand for energy during the most pressing times. Short term, they will consider whether they […]
April 15, 2012

The LifeStraw makes dirty water clean

More than one billion people – one sixth of the world’s population – are without access to safe water supply. At any given moment, about half […]
April 8, 2012

Drought: Water companies say ‘Be proud of your dirty car’

Motorists should see filth on their cars as a “badge of honour”, a water company said yesterday as it urged Britons to do less cleaning during […]
March 26, 2012

How to Choose the Right Size Rain Water Storage Tank

A rainwater tank is becoming a necessity for many  homes due to the water shortages felt in many areas around the world. If you are one […]
February 23, 2012

Saving Water Saves Electricity

Make the Drops-to-Watts Connection It’s Time for a New Way to Think About Water and Energy With climate change concerns, pervasive droughts, and high energy prices […]
February 22, 2012

JoJo Tanks Launches 6000 litre Underground Tank

JoJo Tanks have just launched a range of  6000Lt underground tanks as a much-desired addition to the existing range of tanks available to consumers in the […]
February 22, 2012

Humanity’s Growing Impact on the World’s Freshwater

As the human population has climbed past seven billion, and the consumption per person of everything from burgers to blue jeans has risen inexorably, the finiteness […]
February 2, 2012

Lifeline of a Healthy Ecosystem – World Wetlands Day 2012

This year the theme of World Wetlands Day will be ‘Wetlands & Tourism,’ celebrated on Thursday 2 February 2012. This will celebrate the 41st anniversary of […]
April 13, 2011

The operator of Japan’s crippled nuclear plant still working on a plan to end the country’s nuclear crisis

The operator of Japan’s crippled nuclear plant said Wednesday it was still working on a detailed plan to end the country’s nuclear crisis a month after […]
February 12, 2011

Freecycling: giving away, not throwing away

What is exactly is freecycling? It is when someone gives away an unwanted item, for free, to another person. That item could be anything from tools […]
January 14, 2011

Trapped Sunlight Cleans Water

High energy costs are one drawback of making clean water from waste effluents. According to an article in the journal Biomicrofluidics, which is published by the […]
December 28, 2010

Students Create Dirt Cheap Solar Solution for Disinfecting Water

Disinfecting water with the sun is an old idea. But students at University of Washington have come up with a clever way of checking whether or […]
November 18, 2010

Africa to be world’s largest market for solar lighting by 2015

Africa is set to become the world’s largest market for solar portable lights (SPLs) by 2015, a report compiled by the International Finance Corporation and World […]
November 16, 2010

Is ‘Peak Oil’ Behind Us?

Peak oil is not just here — it’s behind us already. That’s the conclusion of the International Energy Agency, the Paris-based organization that provides energy analysis […]