“As an ambassador for our environment, climate change issues as well as water and food security, it brings me great joy to be part of a project such as this one during our National Environment Month (June). I believe it is because of such events and collaborations that we are able to highlight the important environmental issues that face our country. I am proud to carry the work, ethos and values of the Miss Earth organization as we work together to build a more sustainable green and healthy future for South Africa.” ~Ashanti Mbanga, Miss Earth South Africa
Thanks to Miss Earth and JoJo Tanks, the kids of Diakonia Aids Ministry (DAM) in Central Western Jabavu, Soweto will now have water in tank and on tap!
“Water is scarce here as we depend on the supply from the municipality and we end up paying a lot of money, which could have been used in our other departments. The donation of a 5000L rainwater harvesting tank from Miss Earth and JoJo Tanks will go a long way in conserving rain water that would simply wash away. Water is crucial to growing our vegetables and a tank close to our vegetable garden will make an important difference to what we can produce.” explains project manager Rev. Selby Mugivhi. “The vegetables will be used to provide the Diakonia orphans and vulnerable children in need of a safe and caring environment with much needed balanced meals. The money saved from the municipal bill will then be allocated to DAM’s other departments that cover Home Based Care, Education and Training, Support Group etc.”
JoJo Tanks managing director, Rod Cairns says the company is honoured to be involved with a project where the community has shown unbelievable determination and dedication to improve the lives of their children. “At JoJo Tanks we are also passionate about the role we should play in conserving our planet’s limited resources. Our association with Miss Earth gives us an excellent opportunity to make a real difference and we look forward to the extension of the gardens – the mothers, the children and the community have already achieved so much on their own… imagine what they can still achieve with ongoing support from people like us, the community and Miss Earth!”
Mr Cairns and Rev. Mugivhi agree that saving water should be a way of life, “The conservation and beneficial use of rainwater by installing rainwater tanks could grant relief to millions of disadvantaged South Africans and provide a cost-effective and convenient way to have water security. Let’s work together to help save our thirsty world!”
Source: jojotanks.co.za
JoJo Tanks South Africa offer a wide range of products such as plastic water tanks and chemical tanks to suit every household, business or agricultural need, including silo tanks and silo tank stands as well as other high quality JoJo Tanks products. See JoJo Tanks’ VERTICAL TANKS, HORIZONTAL TANKS (transporter tanks), STEEL TANK STANDS and OTHER JOJO PRODUCTS and see JoJo Tanks’ NEW 6000 LITRE UNDERGROUND TANKS. Also see our FAQ and WATER TANK PRICES.
JoJo’s superior polyethylene plastic water tanks and steel water tank stands make JoJo Tanks the leaders in plastic water tank technology and the quality, affordability and 8-year guarantee on these water tanks make JoJo products one of the best choices in South Africa. *All JoJo Tanks polyethylene tanks and products now carry a 8 year warranty (on tanks purchased on or after 1 July 2013)* JoJo’s water tanks and chemical tanks come standard with a number of features that are often lacking on cheaper/inferior plastic tanks made by other companies in South Africa.
We are authorised JoJo Tanks dealers in South Africa and dispatch orders directly from JoJo Tank depots to save on transport costs. Full range of JoJo Tanks products and JoJo water tanks for sale. CONTACT US for a quote on the right JoJo water tank or other JoJo product for you. Special discounts are available on multiple orders of chemical tanks and water tanks and to our commercial and government customers. We can usually delivery tanks and tank stands free of charge to business/commercial addresses in South Africa.
(15000 litre and 20000 litre JoJo vertical water tanks & chemical tanks are available on order directly from JoJo Tanks’ main factory)