save water

March 20, 2012

How to do a Home Water Audit

Sizing up your home water use is painless and worth the savings. Here’s how. Taking stock of your water use is an ideal first-step on a […]
May 1, 2011

5 Ways Your Green Habits Are Saving the Environment

Have you ever wondered how much of a difference all of those little green habits make? Are you really saving energy by switching light bulbs? Do […]
April 17, 2011

With a rain barrel, April showers can bring more than flowers

As the old adage goes, April showers bring May flowers. But for those looking to green their homes, April showers also provide an easy way to […]
March 9, 2011

Hidden Water Consumption- Surprising Facts

We’ve all probably been made aware of some startling water-use statistics that are more ‘apparent’, but have we ever considered the water use/waste that is involved […]
March 8, 2011

Today’s Lifestyle Change Can Lead to Tomorrow’s Better Planet

Being ‘green’ doesn’t carry that much weight when it’s just a ‘label’ and you are being ‘forced’ to change. It’s like being ‘on’ a  diet. We […]
February 9, 2011

How Green Is Your Dentist?

If you’re a greenie who likes white teeth there is a growing resource of eco-friendly dentists to choose from. Dentists with environmentally friendly practices make an […]
January 9, 2011

11 Ways to Use Less in 2011

Think about everything that you use in one day – your morning shower, the coffeemaker, the work commute, your annual report, the short drive to lunch, […]
December 29, 2010

The 10 easiest ways to green your home

Being earth-friendly doesn’t require going solar or growing all your own food. There are plenty of easy ways to make a big difference. When it comes […]
December 4, 2010

New water-efficient homes make perfect ‘sense’

Four new homes in Roseville, Calif., earn official WaterSense labeling as part of a program that’s similar to EnergyStar but focuses on home water conservation instead […]
November 25, 2010

What Is A “Living Building”?

Dear EarthTalk: I recently heard the term “living building.” Can you explain? Over the past couple of decades, architects and builders looking to green their projects […]
October 29, 2010

10 No-Brainer Ways to Use Water Wisely. Plus, a Bonus…

We’re drinking the same water Cleopatra drank… That’s another way of saying, the world just doesn’t make more water.
September 14, 2010

Green Plumbing

The concept of green plumbing is still relatively unknown in South Africa. This is changing however as South African plumbers and water related stakeholders are fast […]
September 5, 2010

Create a Natural Swimming Pool

By creating a natural swimming pool, also known as a natural swimming pond, you are helping the environment in several ways: you’re saving energy and water, […]
August 4, 2010

10 Ways to Go Green and Save Green

How can we live lightly on the Earth and save money at the same time? Staff members at the Worldwatch Institute, a global environmental organization, share […]
July 28, 2010

How to Hypermile & Drive Green

9 Steps to Saving Fuel, Saving Money and Saving the Environment Hypermiling refers to a collection of driving techniques aimed at improving your car’s fuel efficiency […]
July 27, 2010

Eco-Friendly Car Washing

Few people realize that washing our cars in our driveways is one of the most environmentally un-friendly chores we can do around the house. Unlike household […]
July 22, 2010

Heat your house with car tyres and earth

A dirt cheap and 100 percent ecological house that has all the comforts of an ordinary home, without being connected to the electricity grid, waterworks, sewer […]
July 21, 2010

Managing Stormwater

Ever thought of where stormwater ends up? Poorly-managed stormwater can damage your property and the wider environment – but, managed properly, it can be good for […]