We’ve all probably been made aware of some startling water-use statistics that are more ‘apparent’, but have we ever considered the water use/waste that is involved […]
If you’re a greenie who likes white teeth there is a growing resource of eco-friendly dentists to choose from. Dentists with environmentally friendly practices make an […]
Think about everything that you use in one day – your morning shower, the coffeemaker, the work commute, your annual report, the short drive to lunch, […]
Being earth-friendly doesn’t require going solar or growing all your own food. There are plenty of easy ways to make a big difference. When it comes […]
Four new homes in Roseville, Calif., earn official WaterSense labeling as part of a program that’s similar to EnergyStar but focuses on home water conservation instead […]
Dear EarthTalk: I recently heard the term “living building.” Can you explain? Over the past couple of decades, architects and builders looking to green their projects […]
The concept of green plumbing is still relatively unknown in South Africa. This is changing however as South African plumbers and water related stakeholders are fast […]
By creating a natural swimming pool, also known as a natural swimming pond, you are helping the environment in several ways: you’re saving energy and water, […]
How can we live lightly on the Earth and save money at the same time? Staff members at the Worldwatch Institute, a global environmental organization, share […]
9 Steps to Saving Fuel, Saving Money and Saving the Environment Hypermiling refers to a collection of driving techniques aimed at improving your car’s fuel efficiency […]
Few people realize that washing our cars in our driveways is one of the most environmentally un-friendly chores we can do around the house. Unlike household […]
A dirt cheap and 100 percent ecological house that has all the comforts of an ordinary home, without being connected to the electricity grid, waterworks, sewer […]
Ever thought of where stormwater ends up? Poorly-managed stormwater can damage your property and the wider environment – but, managed properly, it can be good for […]