rainwater for irrigation

August 22, 2012

Water efficiency needed now, not just energy efficiency

Businesses often overlook the need to keep an eye on their water consumption and inefficient use of water can end up costing them in more ways […]
February 15, 2011

Why Harvest the Rain? 20 Rainwater Harvesting FAQ’s

1. How do I make a rainwater harvesting system pay for itself (amortize its cost) and why should I not just harvest rainwater for irrigation. Simply […]
July 21, 2010

Managing Stormwater

Ever thought of where stormwater ends up? Poorly-managed stormwater can damage your property and the wider environment – but, managed properly, it can be good for […]
July 7, 2010

Green your lawn with muscle power!

On any weekend the buzz and cough of gas powered lawn mowers is a common sound in suburbia. Aside from the noise pollution, gas powered lawn […]