rainwater collection

January 25, 2013

10 Tips for Harvesting Rainwater Utilizing Your Gutters

Collecting and reusing rainwater isn’t just good for the environment. It could also be good for your pocketbook. Recycling rainwater can cut down on your monthly […]
April 9, 2012

Examples of Rainwater Tanks & Rainwater Harvesting Around the World

The types and sizes of water tanks used for rainwater harvesting vary around the world and some have very interesting innovations.
May 13, 2011

Soil Water Conservation Techniques Increase Yield

Lack of adequate water poses a major constraint in increasing agricultural production in semi-arid areas in South Africa.  However, the use of appropriate crop production techniques, […]
March 10, 2011

Eco-farming can double food output by poor: U.N.

Many farmers in developing nations can double food production within a decade by shifting to ecological agriculture from use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, a U.N. […]
March 9, 2011

Hidden Water Consumption- Surprising Facts

We’ve all probably been made aware of some startling water-use statistics that are more ‘apparent’, but have we ever considered the water use/waste that is involved […]
March 8, 2011

Today’s Lifestyle Change Can Lead to Tomorrow’s Better Planet

Being ‘green’ doesn’t carry that much weight when it’s just a ‘label’ and you are being ‘forced’ to change. It’s like being ‘on’ a  diet. We […]
March 7, 2011

Cooling Your House Without Electricity

Long time readers may remember when I wrote about two different ways you could heat your home or garage without using electricity. There was the heater […]
March 5, 2011

World waters menaced by fertilizers and plastics

Global marine environment is seriously threatened by pollution from massive amounts of phosphorus, a fertiliser widely used in agriculture, as well as billions of pieces of […]
March 2, 2011

Harvest and flush: Indoor rainwater recycling proposed in California

To reduce pressure on California’s strained water supplies, a bill is introduced to the State Assembly that would permit Californians to use of reclaimed rainwater indoors […]
March 1, 2011

Flushing the toilet with greywater

When we first moved into our house almost 5 years ago we were told the shower in the master bathroom had a leak, but that it […]
February 27, 2011

Mystery of the missing pool water

Thieves in Port Elizabeth are stealing pool water in a bid to make money. They are making a quick buck in the drought stricken city’s suburbs, […]
February 26, 2011

Hospitals Go Green and Cut Costs

Hospitals are a major source of waste and energy consumption, second only to the food industry in the amount of waste produced every year.
February 25, 2011

What is your Nitrogen Footprint?

Are you looking for something to flagellate yourself over? Carbon footprints are last week’s news: The new hot subject for self-recrimination is your nitrogen footprint. According […]
February 24, 2011

3 Ways to Generate Free Electricity at Home

Unless all your bills are paid for, you probably have experienced the effects of ever-inflating taxes, gas prices, and electricity costs. While I cannot help you […]
February 23, 2011

7 Reasons to go Organic

We have experienced a surge in the green movement over the last several years. Environmental activists have emphasized the need to protect our most precious natural […]
February 22, 2011

Water Equals Human Dignity And International Security

Water scarcity and drought is directly connected to public health, energy, agriculture and food supply and, by extension, international security. The full spectrum of social networking […]
February 21, 2011

Give Your Bathroom a Green Mini-Makeover

Giving your bathroom a green mini-makeover can help reduce your monthly utility bills and you’ll also be saving a whole lot of water, one of our […]
February 19, 2011

Is Rainwater Safer than Municipal Water?

Rainwater that is captured and stored correctly is a safe, economical and sustainable source of quality water. Rainwater is as safe as any source of water, provided certain […]