It’s a term that’s being bandied about regularly these days, and if you want to be perceived as doing your bit for the environment, it goes without saying that you must be interested in all things green as well. Green technology is all the rage today – if you’re not going green, you’re viewed as a villain by many. However, no matter how much you invest in green technology, it is useless if you don’t change habits that have been ingrained in you from childhood and over the course of your life. Green technology is useful only when:
You utilize it efficiently: If you’ve invested in a solar panel yet insist on using your old water heater, if you’ve installed energy efficient appliances yet hold on to your old refrigerator and stove because they’re still in good working condition, or if your home is naturally insulated/aired yet you insist on using air conditioners and heating units, then you’re not using green technology efficiently. Green technology works only when you optimize its use and minimize your overall energy usage.
You minimize waste: There are no significant gains to be realized when you replace all the lights in your home with CFL bulbs, yet fail to switch them off when you don’t needto use them. Minimizing energy costs is all well and good, but it’s still a waste whenyou use energy unnecessarily, even if you’re expending just the minimum. So when youinvest in and install green technology, ensure that you don’t use much more energythan you need – shut your computer down when you’re not going to be using it for afew hours; remove charging units from the socket and switch off the main when you’redone charging your devices, and use the main switch to turn the TV off instead of justpointing your remote at it.
You adopt greener habits: You may have just bought a hybrid car, but that doesn’tmean you have to drive it even to the store around the corner. Walk when you can instead of taking your car, use the stairs even if your building is green and has energy-efficient elevators, avoid smoking to safeguard your health and the environment, and try to minimize the effect of your carbon footprint as much as possible.
For green technology to be successful and sustainable, we have to change our way of life and adopt new habits, habits which may seem like drops in the ocean, but which have a significant role to play in determining the future of our planet.
Source: GROG: Green Tech Blog
Also see 5 Psychological Reasons We Go Green
Water Rhapsody Water Conservation Systems Mpumalanga offers water tank and rainwater tank installation, rainwater harvesting systems, grey water recycling and water-saving devices for swimming pools and toilet flush systems (see product demo ). Our WWF Award-winning water systems can be retrofitted or built into new buildings and can be adapted to small households or large business blocks, hospitals, schools, lodges & hotels.
Water Rhapsody has incorporated Yes Solar– official distributor of German-made Solsquare solar water heating systems that are installed by Eskom-accredited solar installers (our solar geysers are eligible for Eskom solar energy rebates). We are authorized JoJo Water Tank dealers and Atlas Plastics water tank suppliers in Mpumalanga and Limpopo Province (best water tank prices in the Lowveld!). We are also able to supply sanitary hardware such as waterless toilets through our JoJo Tanks and Atlas Plastics dealerships.
Contact us for a free quote on a solar water geyser, water tank or rainwater/gray water system today!