As the above video explains, the 3-pronged approach to ensuring we have enough water is: 1. Conservation; 2. Grey Water recycling and 3. Catchment. Water Rhapsody Mpumalanga/Limpopo endorses these ideas and is positioned to facilitate them. We can hopefully influence people to conserve water by changing their habits and suggesting water-saving tips; this is free! Water Rhapsody provides excellent solutions to the second and third concepts. Recycling gray water can either be achieved by installing our Garden Rhapsody grey water irrigation system or by installing our Second Movement system which reuses greywater for toilet flushing. Water Rhapsody’s Grand Opus rainwater harvesting takes care of all your rooftop rain water collection requirements. This system incorporates the patented Rain Runner device which diverts and sieves rainwater from the gutters. To prevent blockages in a reduced pipe, the debris is sent to waste along with a small amount of water. Clean water from the Rain Runner fills a water tank, and this can be pumped to the entire property reducing dependence on main supply. An Uninterrupted Pressurised Water Supply (UPWS) guarantees your water at all times by allowing the introduction of mains water should you run out of rain water. Water Rhapsody also offers other water-saving devices, see our product demo.